A couple of drinks of Ayahuasca/This is my entry to the pob-storytelling contest

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Wake up... wake up... WAKE UP!!! That scream in my head made me open my eyes and jump up from where I was laying. I took a look around and couldn't remember where I was. I tried to stay standing but 3 out of my 6 legs were too week, so I fell on the floor again. Wait, I have 6 legs? I look down and only saw 2, so why am I feeling like I have 6? donottrytothinktoohardabouthisyouwillonlygettired. I decided to try to stand again, forcing myself to look at my legs while I was doing it, and could get up easily. I think I'm getting used to this 2 legs ideia, I feel like I have been flying like this all my life. Wait, I'm flying? As soon as I think that, I hit the floor again and all my 6 legs hurt. trynottothinkabouthisifyouwanttogetout. Get out, seems like a good ideia. Look for a way out, a window, a door, a hole. There's a weird shape on the wall, just above the tall blind man. Wait, I'm not alone in here? How did I not see this man before? Why he only has 2 legs? I blink and he is gone, a door behind him. The shape of the wall is the shape of the keyhole. My fingers are in this shape too. I put my finger in the keyhole and the door opens...

It is there when I come to my senses, there is a new world that gives me the opportunity to know it, without realizing it I have the key in my hand, do I enter or not enter ?, was the question, what is there, I am a phenomenon, I will be totally I awake or I am still in a dream from which I cannot find how to wake up.


In my deep sleep, sometimes I saw myself as a spider, then as a mosquito and finally as a man and to think that it was all the product of a delicious drink, which many call refreshing, but that in the end, it is nothing more than the dose to make your brain wander and get to allusion.

I do not know the name of the drink, I only remember its taste, sweet, sour, bitter and cold, a combination for the palate to delight and desire more. What a shock I lived in that dream, it was almost reality and between one thing and the other, I wanted it to end, seeing myself with two legs and feeling that six hurt was like madness. I already needed help.

It is there when suddenly, thanks to a strong blow that shook the roof, which was made of zinc ¨a sheet of metal widely used in the roofs of South America¨ I was able to wake up, I thought immediately! What a timely fight of the felines! It was tigreso, the real four-legged cat, I was scared off by the harassment of pearl, my neighbor's cat, who was in heat. Grateful for them, in the morning, I went out and served them food, the opposite of what I used to do, sometimes I bathed them with water so that they would get away from me, now for the first time I had something to thank the unruly cats. The noise between fights, scratches and meows, freed me from such a nightmare and gave the two animals the opportunity to be accepted into my home.

I do not consider myself a person who mistreats animals, I think that they deserve respect as living beings that they are, it is noteworthy that I tiger the cat of my mother-in-law Teresa, that his name is due to his particular skin that is similar to that of a tiger, but in a dark version, she is a bit slow and walks with a singular swaying of her butt, which gives the impression that she is parading down a fashion catwalk in Milan, as for her neighbor pearl I can describe her as a stocky black and white cat, with her head Large and very strong legs, its appearance is intimidating and contrasts a lot with that of its neighbor tiger cat, which is weaker and more gentle, likewise pearl like many cats in their time of heat has a particular way of being courted, it She likes to be chased around the ceilings, to which she responds with bites and scratches with her strong legs, on the contrary, her shy and slim suitor does not find this type of action at all romantic by her attractive neighbor, her re Being exposed to this violent way of responding to his love instincts on the part of his beloved pearl, he makes him flee to the house of his owner, Dona Teresa.

Regarding its owner, on one occasion tigreso woke up limping with its left hind leg, when Doña Teresa saw it, she said pointing to her neighbor's house- that was the tamanaca, of the neighbor that my poor cat hurt me, referring to the corpulent pearl and its peculiar way of being collated, in short, it is animal nature where human rules or precepts do not fit that can change their mating code.


Returning to the strange dream and in particular the drink that caused it, a few days ago I read an article where he describes how a traditional indigenous drink I refer to Ayahuasca, prepared from some plants used in South America by many Amazonian peoples such as Brazil, Bolivia , Colombia Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. Which produces acute hallucinogenic effects and in some cases irreversible, this information surprised me greatly, since out of ignorance my health was at risk.

With this I do not mean that I am questioning the Amazonian peoples who consume such a drink, in short, their customs are part of their ideosyncracy and their culture, what I want to focus with my point of view, is that when visiting towns and cities far from house, of our ways and customs, as far as possible we must document ourselves, like a capital reviews and studies its roadmap in which it is going to navigate, I am really very grateful that that horrible experience was just a nightmare

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It's really interesting that I am an adept of Ahayuasca, I lived for almost 3 years in a temple that work with that medicine, so I can relate to the story. Some craaaaaazy experiences there that someday I'll post here.

I lost myself a little bit during the story, felt like you focused more in the story of the cats than in the story of the contest. At the same time, it was about the whole experience so kudos on the story! I

Thanks for taking part in the contest!

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Thank you and I have heard a lot about that drink, it will be interesting to read a little of your experiences, what surprised me was the fact that there may be irreversible side effects. I have no knowledge if it will be entirely true.

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