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RE: YouTube disable comments on my latest film which shows the source of our region's supposed water shortage

Please think about protecting your children and do not show in the internet, especially naked... there are so many bad people out there. Or they get bullied for that one day. Additionaly see, what´s possible nowadays:

Have a great day with your family 💚


Thank you for watching the film and for expressing your concern. You are not the first to bring this point up with me.

We live in a world now which has everyone under constant surveillance. All online cameras can be accessed, including our phones & computers. Even the hard drives on which we keep our private images & videos are easy enough to access when they are connected to an online computer. So, evil people very likely already have images of my entire family which are far more revealing than what you see in this film. But what is to be done? We can't very well lock ourselves up in windowless rooms to protect against the endless cameras? Better i think to share Love & Light without fear. One day we will laugh at these strange times of darkness.

I watched your linked film and it seems to me that none of those problems apply to people who intend to live off-grid, away from a broken society. I am sharing what i can while i can because once we find our home 'in the woods' the films & posts will stop and you'll just have to come and visit if you want to see how the children are doing ;)