Humanity's Most Recent Bamboozlement Icons: The Real Survivors!

in Proof of Brain5 months ago (edited)

Used to be that the so-called election was clearly a scam, meant to somehow garner enough public consent to justify any atrocity that would surely follow in whatever party name. Regardless of who won, the gang would win.

Another stupid election came and went, usually split dead down the middle of 50-50.

This time it's different. This time is more worrying.

This time, humanity and the Western world are railroaded into a single metaphorical camp, to a degree that has to make one wonder what the hell is going on.


Stage restructuring

Time to take heed the too many questions by too many people. Gang needs to eventually react and alter the script. Hence, what we are seeing play out now. I think it's the best explanation.

The stage is being rearranged. On purpose. Extraordinary measures because extraordinary situation. The transitioning of one ordinary into the next, new ordinary.

This time, there is not meant to be a 50-50 show by the gang. This time they went all in, we all know who is gonna win and why. We know that already. It's a rather dangerous moment when everybody sort of knows for sure what is gonna happen. Markets for instance tend to take relentless advantage of such one-sidedness. Assumed certainty makes people vulnerable. But we pretend it is still an open question, in order to feed on your consent to what is planned.

We see that the crew allegedly steering the ship can't become the stupid little opposition fast enough! I mean wow. They are behaving less competent than a drugged chimpanzee in the cockpit of an airplane, and that is because what we are seeing is NOT incompetency. It's political calculation. Just not from the people who are presented to be running the show. They may very well crash and burn, because they are unimportant sacrifices on the altar of world-stage scripting.

This coming election result is exactly what is wanted and desired by the system. It is what will prepare the public mind for the next era of mindfuck shenanigans that have been so carefully laid out for us and subsequent generations.

The cornerstones? To me they're plainly evident, especially since that Rogan interview that was cringy beyond belief. God was it cringy! I have yet to force myself through the rest to get more hints for the new grand "future faith" prepared for the "modern" human". But to me it is undeniably existent as a looming template. I hope I can change my mind on that completely, and soon.

The heroes of the new mindfuck are outright pandering to the holy cows that will not be slaughtered and instead be further enshrined in the new era for all eyes to see.

Holy Cows!

I predict a perfect faking of the Mars landing in the next few years, so picturesque and so detailed it will be impossible to discern it as a fake from the imagery alone. You know, all the reasons why some laughed-at people on the internet have caught on to NASA's bullshit over the past decades - no longer possible. It will look exactly like SCI-FI Hollywood but by god it will have the NASA logo on it so you will believe it.

I mean, this Elon guy! Incredible guy! Really smart guy! Fantastic Guy!

Spaceporn will be at the forefront of the new fake reality for us to get suckered into, the forefront! And by god I wish everyone the best of luck finding out of that one again. Incidentally VR will also be essential. What would these two EVER have to do with one another right?

You can have my ticket for the Mars mission lottery that is sure to come. I will gladly trade you your patch of forsaken Earthen land for it, thanks.

What else? Oh yeah: Contagion! Ooooooohhhhh! Contagion is the other holy cow. They loooooove their little virus idea just so gosh-darn much! They are NOT sacrificing it.

They will sacrifice the UN, the EU, the USD, McDonald's and Volkswagen, Spoogle, Fakebook and even certain civilized terror-regime states in the mediterranean... but they will not sacrifice your faith that you can get overrun and infected by invisible boogeymen that get transmitted by people's snot. Nope, we leave that exactly where it is, thank you. We still need that one.

They will also not cease to tell you how old this place allegedly is. The gang just looooves to promote their and your favorite cosmology. Everybody believes it already. Not much indoctrination work ahead because... why? They worked at it so carefully for generations and the damage to critical thinking has long been done.

Hell, they might have introduced Television just to sell you on that holy cow alone. Billions of years, let me tell you!

And if you go far back enough your grandⁿparents are monkeys and their grandⁿparents are fish-creatures tumbling on a muddy shore because... we need you to believe it. Simple as that. Don't worry about the details, just get with it!

Mmhhmm. That will all stay nice and steady like we have been telling you. It's just that all the rest is somehow now officially wrong.

This weird balance between stubbornly holding on to certain ideologies while relentlessly tearing down most of the rest... is just incredibly interesting to observe. Control valve strategy. I mean really.

So when this whole charade of this purely and - this time - OPENLY one-sided election is finally over, you better believe shit is going to get real madhouse'y in "the world". We need drama so we can make things happen. And Drama there shall be!

Now they're just about at the point of setting up the 100 GigaWatt speaker system to advertise their front seats to the new bamboozlement. I see impatient people standing in line to pay tribute to lies of the new era. And I wish them well!

The entry fee is hefty and might not be apparent at all, until some descendant of ours dares to check foundations again.

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Thanks for stopping by <3


That is why I left the theatre... Aiming to co-create vastly better for Humanity on Our planet than what the psychopaths are creating for Us.

The End of Entropy (article):

~Play Circus.png

i have the same aim, thanks for sharing
