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RE: Today I went to the Pub

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

About half of us just north of NYC are still ignoring the mask guidelines. Some businesses are open as if nothing is going on. I patronize those and ignore any mask signs on businesses. So far, no one has said a thing. I'm not putting a mask back on, will not show any papers, will not sign anything.

those of us who were not afraid to continue living are the ones who kept these businesses open during the brunt last year. I wore the mask as the CDC guidelines specified, but I will not do that again. If the mask mandates, or worse, come back, I will just spend less money. Screw any business that is going along with this.


this pub was the first time I've been in a public space and not seen a masked face. I've been the only one in the shops for as long as I can remember so at last I've found the other non-conformists. That was refreshing. I have never worn a mask, don't even possess one. Good for you. We've got this xxx

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