We have been researching the many Ship wrecks of Lake Superior and plotted a Triangle where the greatest number of large boats have gone missing… some have simply vanished without a trace.
Take for example the 2 French Warships, the Inkerman and Cerisoles that set sail on their maiden voyage from Thunder Bay in November 1918 ….
Ninety years after their disappearance in a Lake Superior blizzard, shipwreck hunters are trying to find two French warships that vanished without a trace, taking two Canadian Great Lakes captains and 78 French sailors with them.
The wrecks of the Inkerman and Cerisoles, newly built at the Canada Car foundry in what was then called Fort William, Ont., caused the greatest single loss of life in a marine accident on Lake Superior.
No one knows what happened to these 2 50-metre ships…
Loaded with Gold, mysterious artifacts, and new WorldWar 1 mine sweeping technologies …
Legendary shipwreck hunter Tom Farnquist has taken up the challenge of finding the last warships to be lost on the Great Lakes. He wants to answer one of the great mysteries of the Great Lakes: how could two warships built for the Atlantic Ocean simply disappear?
The ships were Navarin-type minesweepers designed for clearing the thousands of German and Allied mines laid along the French coast and in the English Channel during World War I.
In 1918, there were even wilder rumours: somehow a German U-boat had made it into Lake Superior; ….. In recent years, attention has shifted to UFOs and the so-called "Lake Superior Triangle" that consumes ships and airplanes…..
More: https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2009/10/18/treasure_hunters_seek_lake_superiors_holy_grail.html
And more recently, in 1975 the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald…
Lake Superior Triangle :
Map showing the possible routes of the Inkerman and Cerisoles … November 1918
We are kayaking off the very tip of the Triangle today with our metal detectors and Deep sea sonar equipment… stay tuned for more updates. If we disappear you know where to look.
Rudderhead point …
Solar lantern to light the way if we get back late …
Looking for lost treasures on Rudderhead point.
A painting of the Inkerman and Cerisoles on Lake Superior, Canada : https://www.lakesuperior.com/the-lake/maritime/405-ils-sont-disparu/
The Mystery of the Inkerman and Cerisoles … https://www.lakesuperior.com/the-lake/maritime/405-ils-sont-disparu/
SS Edmund Fitzgerald is the largest ship ever to have sunk on the Great Lakes.
With a massive length of 729 feet, at the moment of her launch on June 7th 1958, she was the largest ship on the Great Lakes. She sank on November 10th, 1975, and the entire crew of 29 people lost their lives.
SS Bannockburn was a Canadian steel-hulled freighter that disappeared on November 21st, 1902.
Its loss is one of the biggest mysteries on Lake Superior, with no trace of the missing vessel ever to have been discovered. Since her disappearance, many sailors claimed to have seen her running without lights during stormy weather.
The ship was lost in the middle of the lake, and all 21 people on board lost their lives. The Bannockburn, which was 245 feet (75 meters) long, and 40 feet (12.2 meters) wide, was on her way from Port Arthur to the Soo with a load of wheat, but disappeared without a trace sometime after 11:00 PM on November 21st.
Source : https://dailyhive.com/toronto/shipwrecks-of-lake-superior-famous-ships
I must say kudos to you and more grease to your elbow 💪. I encourage you not to give up and have the spirit of never say never on this your pursuit.
Most likely sunk by choppy waves typical of the Great Lakes. Every once in a while a big one comes and make cause a ship to capsize.