🤣🤣🤣 We seem to be all about the tasting experience, lol.
for .... naps.
yes - the best naps are yummy.
the pinnacle of the nap world is the "yum yum nap"
I am totally in love with all of that. I love naps, never thought of them as yummy, but they sure felt like that. I'm adding that to my personal dictionary now, thank you. 😂😂😂
hehehehehe you're so welcome!
so - yesterday I took a nap - half standing up LOLOL
don't ask how. lol i was just exhausted and fell asleep - and when I woke up my knees were all locked and sore hahahahahahahahaa
so that was not so yum of a nap - BUT it was so needed!!! LOL
HAHAHA, half standing up, I love it. Have I ever done that...hmmmm, yes, I do believe I have, how about that? LOL
Yeah, really exhausted is what happened to me too. Waking up like that is so not fun.
Yum in that you needed it, LOLOL