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in Proof of Brain3 years ago

All verses
instantly revealed-
nature's breath.

That's lovely.
feels the warmth at the special effort of a haiku that touches a personal soft spot of affection and returns the affection

Best way to get an understanding of it is to study trees directly and if possible get a small piece of wood of whatever trees you want to study. Then just cut into it, see how it responds to different ways of cutting and working. Play around that way. You'll get the best understanding of it's nature by doing that for each type. This is what I've done. It doesn't take long, especially if you have other woods to use as comparison for differences in personalities. I prefer books to videos for a few reasons, but direct experience beats both of those.

Origami too? You are quite something special there. Being in "the mind" is very draining. I find working with one's hands to be a cleansing, wholesome experience and becomes meditative. I always feel good after a day of working like that. The intellectual or work like that I find draining and it takes away rather than adds.

I can't really picture you and clumsy hands together as one thing. Doesn't fit at all.

I'm always doing some little thing to myself here or there. It's due to lack of attention, not caring to pay attention, or a very strong distraction. I frankly don't care and don't even see it as clumsy, just as something that occurs and reminds me to pay more attention.


That's lovely.
feels the warmth at the special effort of a haiku that touches a personal soft spot of affection and returns the affection

Gets encircled by warm affection

Glad you liked it!

Best way to get an understanding of it is to study trees directly and if possible get a small piece of wood of whatever trees you want to study. Then just cut into it, see how it responds to different ways of cutting and working. Play around that way. You'll get the best understanding of it's nature by doing that for each type. This is what I've done. It doesn't take long, especially if you have other woods to use as comparison for differences in personalities. I prefer books to videos for a few reasons, but direct experience beats both of those.

So I've been told. I have my basic understanding of the ones I have used to make instruments so far. There are some really tough to work out. And there's no other way to learn about their differences and plasticity than having them in your hands. I would go to a place where I could cut trees and that, but there aren't many safe places I can go I do that.

Origami too? You are quite something special there. Being in "the mind" is very draining. I find working with one's hands to be a cleansing, wholesome experience and becomes meditative. I always feel good after a day of working like that. The intellectual or work like that I find draining and it takes away rather than adds.

Yes, another quarantine-learned skill. It is an interesting and relaxing thing to do. And yes, doing to much mental work is draining. That's why people with heavy loads of it tend to go and get a physical activity to compensate and relax their tired walnut.

I'm always doing some little thing to myself here or there. It's due to lack of attention, not caring to pay attention, or a very strong distraction. I frankly don't care and don't even see it as clumsy, just as something that occurs and reminds me to pay more attention.

I guess it's like you say a lack of attention rather than clumsiness. But I get the idea being clumsy is not paying enough attention to the things you do. Maybe it's not like that at all. 😅

Gets encircled by warm affection

Increases the circle to expand the affection

I can imagine it's hard for you to get access. Another way would be to ask for off cuts from anyone who does woodworking. I'll also pick up pieces of fall branches even to try out a wood, as I find them.

I like origami. I have some on my desk made as gifts from two people. LOL Yes, relax the walnut, lol. It does look like a brain doesn't it?

I had to go check the etymology of clumsy, lol, so no, you aren't clumsy. 😂😂😂

Increases the circle to expand the affection

Snuggles to get more warmth and affection

I can try to get some other samples from time to time, but there's no rush. I'll keep learning from what I have.

I like origami. I have some on my desk made as gifts from two people. LOL Yes, relax the walnut, lol. It does look like a brain doesn't it?

That's awesome. I left a lot of the ones I made back where I was working. I know it's all in the trash. 🤣

I had to go check the etymology of clumsy, lol, so no, you aren't clumsy. 😂😂😂

The research department working fast! 😅

Snuggles to get more warmth and affection

Wraps feathered raven wings around you in protective warmth and affection to increase it

Sounds like you have quite a bit on your plate to work with.

People do that with origami....just toss it. Some keep them. It's an art form to me. I'm so artistically biased. 😂

The research department working fast! 😅

Shhhhhhh, I'm actually very slow, well, unless I have focused, um, well, inspirations, that's it, that's the safe phrase to use, "focused inspirations", yeah, I like that. I wrote some new prose by the way, not the best in my mind, but I'm trying. It's in the new post. You are inspiring me to try this more.

Wraps feathered raven wings around you in protective warmth and affection to increase it

Melds into a feathery hug encircled with warmth and affection

I do. Every time I get a new piece of wood I do all the testing possible except for the taste part. I know it has been treated with poison. 🤣

People do that with origami....just toss it. Some keep them. It's an art form to me. I'm so artistically biased. 😂

That's life. I have made some since I came back home. I should do more.

Shhhhhhh, I'm actually very slow, well, unless I have focused, um, well, inspirations, that's it, that's the safe phrase to use, "focused inspirations", yeah, I like that. I wrote some new prose by the way, not the best in my mind, but I'm trying. It's in the new post. You are inspiring me to try this more.

Your secret is safe with me. I'm going to check that prose out. And well, it's like my momentary obsessions with a topic. 🤣

I do. Every time I get a new piece of wood I do all the testing possible except for the taste part. I know it has been treated with poison. 🤣

Yeah, don't taste it, LOLOL

That's life. I have made some since I came back home. I should do more.

It is indeed. I would love to see some of the ones you've made and yes make more, why not.

Your secret is safe with me. I'm going to check that prose out. And well, it's like my momentary obsessions with a topic. 🤣

I need to know what you think. I'm not good at this stuff, imo, so it's hit and miss. I am hoping to learn from you. LOL, seriously, I am hoping to learn.

Sends soft flowers with fragrant warmth floating like wingless birds attracted to the warmth of affection

Yeah, don't taste it, LOLOL

Once I got some cedrala sawdust in my mouth because of the wind. It was a chore to get that bitter flavor out of my palate.

It is indeed. I would love to see some of the ones you've made and yes make more, why not.

I'll get onto doing some more and send you pictures.

I need to know what you think. I'm not good at this stuff, imo, so it's hit and miss. I am hoping to learn from you. LOL, seriously, I am hoping to learn.

Learn reading more on the styles you want to explore. I don't think I can do the kind of writing you do even if I tried. our style is powerful. It hits like a blunt object. That makes it lovely.

Sends soft flowers with fragrant warmth floating like wingless birds attracted to the warmth of affection

Takes and caresses the flower, feeling its delicate petals and smells the fragrant love scent. Dies of love and comes back. Sends a flurry of kisses encircled in the the warmth of a bear hug.