Hello everyone!!

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, I would like to briefly share how my 1 year and a half went. I decided to order 2 books The Easy # Dollar and The Richest Man in # Babylon. Then I lived in England and I intended to return to Bulgaria because I did not feel happy there.

☑️"A year later I continue to read, develop and follow the steps in my financial plan." When money is used properly, it can buy you freedom, and that in itself leads to happiness. "
We continue in the same spirit and boldly forward! ↗️👏 🔁After feedback about the books and a few conversations with my friend who is a financial consultant, we started my #financial plan through which to achieve my financial goal, while being among my family and friends in Bulgaria.

I will be happy if you share some books on financial literature and personal development, and I will tell you whether I have read them or not.



Да разбираме парите много важно!
Hive e една от мрежите която ни дава правото да притежаваме нашите финанси и да ги контролираме без някой да има контрол над тях освен нас!

@tipu curate

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Congratulation to you sir!

Thank you soo much!

you are welcome my friend :)