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RE: Is tomorrow (Sept 23rd) a significant day for the powers who shouldn't be?

in Proof of Brainlast year

Interestingly I watched Pandemic because Netflix certainly bombarded us. I did not trust it as I had also seen by the Event 201 and did a bit of researching. I feel I am readyfor just about anything. It is only to ensure that I can protect my loved ones. Let's see whether something/anything happens today.


Well, sitting here on the 24th it would seem that nothing in particular happened yesterday but with that said it occurred to me that 23/9 might be referring to Sept 2023, so we actually still have a week left.

Certainly we can say 'they' have become more brazen in their use of DEWs to create fires over the last few months with Greece/Hawaii/California being a few on the list.

Anyway, I am very happy Netflix was not able to program you to do something stupid. And like you I feel ready for whatever comes my way. We will re-stock our emergency food supply next week, so that we are well stocked for the winter. Last time we stocked up was four years ago and most of the stuff is out of date now! Something else I have been enjoying is getting a (solar powered) ipad full of books, in case of a power outage. If the internet goes down there will be a lot more time for reading :)

Yes - I am happy I watch it though - then I could do the opposite.😀 That is a thought - thé month of September is not yet over.

Good plans you have made - alrr see p for reading. Best to o be prepared and nothing happens. Although there has been talk about a cyber attack - so we’ve been warned.

Best to be prepared and nothing happens


I see a little "é" in your typing. Are you french? Living in France?