When you talk about being right, by whose standard? Don't forget you said we should take the scriptures out.
If you use the phrase "turn of for me", then it's perfectly understood because it's about your likes and dislikes. I also have mine.
But in generality what determines wrong and right in this matter?
Now to your question.
First of all, it should interest you to know that contrary to popular perception, it's only of recent I got close to a girl I'm years older than, I do prefer people that are my age and or some years older. It was because I believe in reasoning with people, something I thought younger persons will lack. I might have been wrong.
Even the younger person I now closely relate with, it is also due to her high reasoning capacity. We can think at the same frequency.
Talking of ten years difference. If I marry at twenty, a ten year older person will be thirty, so why not?
If I marry at thirty, she'll be forty, I know many forty plus that looks like people in twenties.
It depends on my age and what I want in marriage really.
I repeat. If I see what I want in an older body that is my spec, I see no reason I shouldn't marry.
Or can you pinpoint one reason I shouldn't?
I have specifications, but being younger is not one of it.