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RE: Going through changes

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Hello @creativemary,

Beautiful post!... so many valuable lessons and points.

Your enemies are your biggest teachers. I thank every bully for making me peal my own wounds and heal through watching mirrored parts of me in them

Good on you!

You display qualities of great strength and character, which I find most admirable.

Kudos to you on making this big decision which seems to be something you're doing for yourself.
and you look stunning in that beautiful as the flowers.

All good wishes 🙏


Hey! I spoke and wrote from my heart and I felt it was the right thing to do to let the Hive community know the reasons why I might be absent in the following weeks. I thought that surely my life experience might help anyone , I was more than happy to share my struggles and my thoughts.

Yes, I am doing the change for myself, for my soul. Change is the only sure thing in the Universe and remaining in a comfort zone will never lead to progress. I believe I can achieve anything because I have God on my side, He never failed me even when I was desperate and struggling. I have learned SO much in the last 4 years and imagine that I can take all of that experience and use it in my next adventures! Priceless! Today while I wrote this post and looked around me , at my soon to be sold salon, I was thinking: Gosh Mary, you became one strong powerful woman in this salon, you should feel so proud. I smiled, patting my soul on its back, knowing a sense of calm and peace. Maybe this is how major life changes feel when they are right: peaceful.

Blessings girl🤗