Striving to be the best

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Road to Success
Happy Sunday everyone . How are y'all doing this fine day ? Now striving to be the best is something I feel we should all aspire to do . No one should settle for less . I would like to share something I got from someone very popular . Christiano Ronaldo . A very popular football player in our world today . He was interviewed along side his son christiano Ronaldo jr. He was asked a question "Do you see your son becoming a football icon like you" And Ronaldo replied "I do train him everyday but I won't push him too hard to play football and if he decides not to play football whatever he wants to do he should work-hard to be the best if it's a doctor or lawyer or whatever he's willing to do he should be the best"

Here's a picture of Ronaldo and his kid
images - 2021-07-25T124410.719.jpeg
Image source benchWarmers

That's a great advice and I'm positive he's kid is certainly gonna work towards it and be the best in what he's doing.
If anyone strive hard to be the best and certainly work hard towards it the result is gonna be success

Image source Pixabay

To be the best you have to note some fact

  • You need to work hard
  • You also should learn from your mistakes and mistakes of others
  • You shouldn't take any shortcut .. No easy way out
  • Always stay positive

I appreciate you for taking your time to read my post I learned from it . Till next next

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This is just another means of getting motivated in the house and I want to say this content of yours to me is an agent of that,which I could give you a tittle already,but will think about that,but of a truth ,this content tops it all for me.

I was brought up with one big Statement that says no one love failure and failing is not an option, irrespective of the pressure that comes with that word,still I still have two feeling for it,that failure is part of life and failing is a price in life too.

Moving to be successful in life,I strongly believe that it is a two side way affair,cause it has to do with your mind first and the level of your hard work,mere looking at your example today,it is very clear that Cristiano Ronaldo himself is an evidence of what hard work and been positive in life can give us.

Which means hard work plus been positive in all our endeavour is equal to success,my opinion and we must also learn how to stand up on our feet when will fail,just like I said earlier I have the believe that failing too is a way of getting God and quality results in life.

Cause when you failed,it will helps you to come out much better in your next attempt.

Just like we were told, their NIS no short cut to success and the only place where success it self comes before work is in the dictionary, aside that you need to work for it .

Been focus too and learning from your past mistakes is vital just as you have mentioned in your content.

And to me I also believed that we must have the right people around us,this to me has a lot of roles to play too in our quest for success in life

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