Amazing one here sofs, I enjoyed the read and I learnt from you once more.
Companionship is something that humans can't live without, we spend most of time relating with people or someone, that's companionship.
The husband and the wife are the best in showing what companionship is about and I smiled when you talked about you and your husband, 33 years? That's a really long one to me 😊
All the best with contest sofs, love you!
Thank you so much @merit.ahama
True 33 years is a long time, but these have been the best years of my life.
It was also a learning process for us in so many ways.
I appreciate that you took the time to read and respond.
Wow I can imagine the continuous learning you had from that 33 years, I hope that I have such a companion to live with for a long time.
Kudos to you @sofs-su
I hope and pray that you get the prefect companion that God has promised and kept waiting for you.
Thanks for that prayer, I really appreciate it A lot
You are so welcome.