The Bizarre World of Cryptocurrancy

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)


Bizarre isn't it, the world of cryptocurrancy. It seemed to come out of nowhere, just boom overnight a new online economy emerged creating instant millionairs and in time billionaires.

But it wasn’t really out of the blue, the Bizarre thing about the emergence of this bizarly formed economy is that it had been talked about and discussed for decades. A universal electronic currency that could be used anywhere by anyone.

Video games were probably one of the first industries to adopt online electronic currency. I hated it though to be honest, made it hard to work out what was what. WoW was probably a better global online currency in a game world.


You could craft items and sell them for ingame currency and you could buy more gear. You could also withdraw it for fiat, much of it tax free because under many laws across the globe it didn't and still doesn't recognise it as a security, because it's not. It's money.

I had mates that I thought were absolutely bizarre because they had shops and they were selling crafted items to other players. They used to get really upset when Chinese players would enter their servers as they would undercut the market. This was a monthly thing.

But now that times have progressed Bitcoin emerged and I have to admit I wish I had of listened to my friend, he bought $2000 worth at 30c a pop. I've never seen him ever since he's been travelling the world and living his best life.


But nothing has changed and we're all still searching for the next bitcoin, the next boom, our future retirement and our best life. Cryptocurrancy is giving people that opportunity but for every boom it is someones bust. We need to he concious that the money that is being generated isn't out of thin air, it is literally someones loss.

Unless you're on Hive, Leo or Proof of Brain than the in system tokens are minted in return for your work. It's a great system that actually produces a service and a use case.

The bizarre thing is that we're not already sitting on $100 - $200 tokens, but that's just the market. At the moment it is focused heavily on speculation and there is nothing to speculate on with a fully functioning system. Well unless it is paying divs, but as its not paying massive amounts it remains relatively flexible in price.

But the best thing about Hive Block chain is that it can continue to grow at a larger faster rate with the right advertising campaigns. Hive price increases with the more people that join the network as the more that join, the more buy and grow their accounts. This grows the economy and grows the need of hive.

Leo is also undertaking a similar path increasing its use by adding it to the Bridge as the main token to be traded to bring Ethereum to Binance. This tokenomics will really show the price boom when Kingdoms is launched and people dive in for those juicy divs in other pools.


I think big things are coming to Hive and the bizarre thing is that I've been able to create this entire post around the weekly contest for the Proof of Brain Word of the Week Bizarre.

This is my entry for the contest and I hope to see you all entre. Good luck in your entry!



Image Source: Canva Pro Subscription

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What a creative writing for the word "bizarre"..good post

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who does it tax free? you? a politician?

do I send you 0.001 hive to track your wallet? LOL

and what is financial about this post to farm leo?

oh and what kind of politican/law dude can't spell the title?

Lots of questions... no real answer, huh?

Leo is also undertaking a similar path increasing its use by adding it to the Bridge as the main token to be traded to bring Ethereum to Binance. This tokenomics will really show the price boom when Kingdoms is launched and people dive in for those juicy divs in other pools.

I see worse on Leofinance. Gonna have a busy day getting round to all the other posts that don't fall into these guidelines you have. You've really gone nuclear...

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Farming Leo? If you read the post I go into it in depth about use my friend.

If you have issues with politicians in your country I would urge you to contact them, or better yet do what I did and get involved and be the change.

Thank you for stopping by

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Also, if you want to be pedantic like you said, I'm in law and politics not an English major. Cheers for the pick up, happy to pass more across for Proof reading in future before I post.