The Truth of Andrew Tate, Red Pill, and Alpha cult

in Proof of Brain2 years ago


First of all

I’m not going to bash the big picture of what they are “trying” to bring to youth these days, yes I agree most of them are lame and just a bunch of spoiled brats.. I leave no argument with that, I personally consider the best way to follow your path is to embrace your nature in a NOT-ARROGANT way. I also think the “west” is no longer a place where people allow you to put logic and natural instinct to pursue your dream anymore. For example, you can’t put your thought unless you apply the “social rule” or in any other words the wild wild west recycles in different forms, somehow and somewhat the chain is strangled again for those who deny the idea. I swear to God so many dudes I know no longer looking women from the Western world anymore, they expect to go to Bali and meet locals to make them their wives. I agree with the decision, who the hell wants to argue or to be used as a living wallet and not appreciated,

BUT somehow when you want to put the balance ON TRACK you cannot go out there choosing a random female and make a far strecth and show to the public to show people this is happening right now.


I. Ego-Driven and Mix Statement

Some part that I agree with is common sense somehow evaporated in this modern society and the government seems don’t care at all. The thing that really does matter is dead and to put it right I guess the Ruler should’ve been the one who holds the Proud, and those who willingly heal the society need more aspects before they cut into a statement. I think everyone can comment on everything, put the debate on anything, and put a statement on anything but I guess all of that must come in a genuine sense and has to be true as a whole, for example, I guess when we are in discussion or in a debate we cannot put any religion-based statement as part of the material discussion at the end of our statement to close the gap of and make the contender holding back.

Most of the time the truth seemingly come closer when we made mistakes and I guess from the bottom of my heart in this scenario women should be the one who tells us, and if you really are a good heart person that willing to do the “precaution” at the very very least do it gently. You can’t tell women how to act and how to think by raising voices every time you talk. You just push them into submission psychologically. Most of the time the conversation is just based on how other people should think and how to see your life based on my views.

If you really don’t believe me watch when woman talk back to them and see how much it was based on hate.. not all kind of hate or hate that drive people to kill only self-hate ego watching female talk back and “not doing they suppose to do”

II. Promiscuous Fact

You can’t tap into ancient wisdom and apply it to modern society just because you feel like it. I personally write quotes on my youtube channel, here so you can see

but I must admit some of them are used as perpetuating knowledge entertainment of visual literature I suppose. Even if you have some historical figures to put in your statement you still cannot put it in the direction of just simply pleasing your ego and ignore the other fact such as at most and almost all imperial age warlords do sexually abuse a lot because of increasing level of sex THEREFORE the new variant must be applied.

Second I quote..

“ there is never been from any culture and history that gives respect from promiscous female “

hmm.. Joan of Arc? Queen Victoria? Sylvanas? Helen of Troy? Marilyn Monroe? Marry Magdalene? I mean the reason why there were basically no women that were conquerers back then was that it was a massive CHAIN patriarchy back then. I understand generalities don’t feel the need to assert an exception, I get it. My friend it makes sense if women should be more selective with mates than men, do I agree, what I don’t agree you keep telling them with confidence while you still bragging about how you banged another girl and blame it on “ biology ” all the time. Natural instinct is a good point to defend yourself from these kinds of conversations but what about a moral compass? to live in a healthy society man should‘ve known the moral compass right ?.. right?

“ if a women sleeping around with bunch of men, she is devaluing herself when a man does it he doesn’t devaluing himself at all “

This is how narrow-minded people way of think. This is only true in the context of somebody’s sexual exploits being part of their value system .If somebody told me they slept with hundred women this will not improve my vision of them, I'm not going to clap my hand or make myself think they are greater or less good but if you value people based on their sexual endeavours and yeah I guess the statement is valid, but most of this understanding slipped on those people vision because how old textbook is printed on their mind vividly.

“ if you a women f*** four dudes you dont even know who got her pregnant “

I don’t think this is necessarily a positive argument even with both women and men, obviously, I’m not a big fan of this theory because like if a guy f**** four girls and he doesn’t take care of the kids, I think it probably even worse than a girl getting f**** by five guys. Promiscuity for men is also a problem because whenever women have a baby they can’t go to work or do their usual thing because the women just had a baby.

And of course, when this does not suit the ego let’s use logic and examples from antiquity or any established science in modern society where a lot of things have changed.

“ If life gets difficult women very quickly learn how much you need man “

This is also half-right because it is applied to both sides. Learn from every war story, and every bullying story almost all the guys are crying out for their mother not their father. Life also happened to have inner thoughts about how to interpret the word need. Perhaps we should wait more than twenty years to see the relevancy of that kind of statement and while we wait and some of our progress in that direction we cannot keep yelling to people “ but until that time !!! “ at the same time.


“ first thing first they will cancel you, and if it doesn’t work they will discredit you, and last if that still doesn’t work they will kill you “

Tate really showed people how to have a concrete road to every destination here.. secure every move as early as it can be.. do something bad to me and then go “ I’d already told you guys !!! “

Well, I must admit it was a genius move. Although some narrow sense in me telling me this guy really wants people to call him SAINT TATE. If you really calm your breath and listen to his every argument he spits most of them can be applied to both men and women outside of physical ideas because a bright person can tell physical dominance over something else doesn’t necessarily mean that it is right I think this happened Dark Ages or when Church was in control etc.

Lovely to catch so many people I have met and use this kind of argument whenever they’re not able to attack the actual points being raised. It’s not about who’s stronger it’s about the better idea. The idea of “ defending yourself ” is something that sounds smart if you don’t really think about it because if you really only fall into the spectrum of physical prowess in every of your argument you only humiliate yourself in front of people that really can think.



This really bothers me because it left me a pile of confusion about you guys, it’s like I don’t know if you guys really don’t see this or you just feel like you can’t say it because it somehow sounds “ racist ” .

I’m going to start this with this, the biggest reason why the Red Pill Cult spread so fast is that somehow you guys and ladies let the hypocrisy live in each of you like you can’t even tell the truth among yourself about body fat and ugly face just because you feel like it might hurt to fellow female but never to apply that kind of thought to a man so yeah this Red Pill was an act of response.

The biggest reason why Andrew Tate flew so fast was that he was still part of this Red Pill Cult and the conversion to Islam. I'm not going to lie here okay.. but Muslims are so openly happy when someone converts to their faith and going to support the decision, I really do not have a problem with someone choosing their own faith as a matter of fact I am happy for him to have guidance even though I am not a Muslim but guys.. the timing of Tate was impactful beside the fact of Muslims have massive audiences all over the world and that why he has this solid militant fans.

Because so many heartbroken kids because of arrogant girls, so many men want to cover their mistakes, so many people are tired of fanatic feminists, so many delusional people that ruin society, so many defamations done in the name of equality, so many people tired accused being terrorist, so many people waiting their turn to be the first and the biggest, so many people thirst for positive recognition, so many people desperate for a role model.

For a person who preaching about how women should behave somehow, it feels distasteful considering how he made money in the first place by doing the cam girl, and also it’s a shame to bring God and all of His words to make the contrast even brighter of hypocrisy he had made.

I personally feel these narratives from the Red Pill Cult just drag us back to the place where women should stay at home and think is the work of men and to the exact place where the very first real Feminists like Louise Weiss in 1935.

To all men & women please think about it..