Who am I? The Ego Lives With Me. / ¿Quién soy yo? El ego vive conmigo.

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

All people have ego and it is important to know that it is not possible to completely silence the ego, what we can do is to lower its intensity, to moderate it, in order to be efficient in life.


The ego gives identity to the person, it means that it gives the "I am", we can affirm who he is from the basic structure of the personality of each one of us, there are people who are all the time with the "me me" we could say that they are egocentric is the case of a high ego, exacerbated that already passes the limits of normal coexistence, when the person is transformed into an egomaniac when he ignores the others, when everything revolves around his life, his feelings, his experiences and does not have the ability to empathically connect with reality.

The word ego means "I" and this ending is adopted to diminish the consciousness of the individual and his capacity to perceive reality.

So I can say that it is very important to work on oneself to transcend the ego in order to return to the essence and to be able to grow.

But for this transformation the ego plays a leading role, the ego is very difficult to understand at the moment when we hear new ideas we immediately want to compare them with the already known ideas which is established in our unconscious and this does not allow us to assimilate new ideas.


While it is true that people with ego make people close to them suffer a lot, unfortunately they also wear out their own life, they must face abandonment since family and friends end up moving away, which condemns them to a lonely old age.

Another characteristic related to their own insecurity is envy, since the success of others is lived as a threat that overshadows and takes away their prominence. It is difficult to live with someone who is always right in my town they say to these people "Know it all" when they are wrong they blame others for their mistakes, they need to be the center of the scene and usually take advantage of the people with whom they relate to get what they want without measuring the consequences.

According to the website (https://www.clarin.com/) we are gifted with some types of egos that allow us to identify what type of ego we have.

"KNOW-It-All Ego. It is that ego that always thinks it is right, likes to give advice about everything, always answers even if it does not know, thinks it has the answer to everything, cannot keep quiet.

INSACIABLE ego. It is the "center of the table" ego, does not like to go unnoticed, does anything to attract attention.

INTERRUPTING Ego. Its need for self-reference is so strong that it permanently interrupts, never lets others finish talking.

ENVYING Ego. It is the one that cannot stand the triumphs and successes of others. He degrades those he thinks are better than he is.

PRESTIGIOUS Ego. This is the ego that seeks applause, recognition and admiration in everything it does. Always wants to be the best. It frequently tells others: "I warned you", "I knew it", "I told you, but you never listen to me", etc.

RIDER Ego. Rides on what others say. It takes advantage of the data of others for its own benefit. He takes advantage of what others say to structure his own interventions. It is a copyist and usurper.

Deaf Ego. Never listens, likes to speak only to himself, usually pretends to listen.

MANIPULATING Ego. It is that cunning ego that always manages, either by misrepresenting, accommodating, deceiving, lying or justifying so that things always turn out in its favor.

PROUD Ego. This is the competitive, argumentative ego that does not like to lose.

SILENT Ego. This is the ego that quietly has a parallel discourse, is critical, hypocritical and judgmental".

An intelligent and humble person can become worthy of admiration by reflecting attributes that highlight the lack of ego.

Version en español / Spanish version

¿Quién soy yo? El ego vive conmigo.

Todas las personas tienen ego y es importante saber que no es posible silenciar completamente el ego, lo que podemos hacer es bajar su intensidad, moderarlo, para ser eficientes en la vida.


El ego da identidad a la persona, quiere decir que da el "yo soy", podemos afirmar quien es desde la estructura básica de la personalidad de cada uno de nosotros, hay personas que están todo el tiempo con el "yo yo yo" podríamos decir que son egocéntricos es el caso de un ego alto, exacerbado que ya pasa los límites de la convivencia normal, cuando la persona se transforma en ególatra cuando ignora a los demás, cuando todo gira en torno a su vida, a sus sentimientos, a sus experiencias y no tiene la capacidad de conectarse empáticamente con la realidad.

La palabra ego significa "yo" y esta terminación se adopta para disminuir la conciencia del individuo y su capacidad de percibir la realidad.

Así que puedo decir que es muy importante trabajar sobre uno mismo para trascender el ego para volver a la esencia y poder crecer.

Pero para esta transformación el ego juega un papel preponderante, el ego es muy difícil de entender en el momento en que escuchamos nuevas ideas inmediatamente queremos compararlas con las ideas ya conocidas que se establece en nuestro inconsciente y esto no nos permite asimilar nuevas ideas.


Si bien es cierto que las personas con ego hacen sufrir mucho a las personas cercanas, lamentablemente también desgastan su propia vida, deben enfrentar el abandono ya que la familia y los amigos terminan alejándose, lo que los condena a una vejez solitaria.

Otra característica relacionada con su propia inseguridad es la envidia, ya que el éxito de los demás lo viven como una amenaza que les ensombrece y les quita protagonismo. Es difícil convivir con alguien que siempre tiene la razón en mi pueblo le dicen a estas personas "lo saben todo" cuando se equivocan culpan a los demás de sus errores, necesitan ser el centro de la escena y suelen aprovecharse de las personas con las que se relacionan para conseguir lo que quieren sin medir las consecuencias.

Según la página web (https://www.clarin.com/) estamos dotados de unos tipos de egos que nos permiten identificar qué tipo de ego tenemos.

"Ego que lo sabe todo. Es ese ego que siempre cree tener la razón, le gusta dar consejos sobre todo, siempre responde aunque no sepa, cree tener la respuesta a todo, no puede callarse.

Ego INSACIABLE. Es el ego "centro de la mesa", no le gusta pasar desapercibido, hace cualquier cosa para llamar la atención.

Ego INTERRUPTOR. Su necesidad de autorreferencia es tan fuerte que interrumpe permanentemente, nunca deja que los demás terminen de hablar.

Ego ENVIDIOSO. Es el que no soporta los triunfos y éxitos de los demás. Degrada a los que cree que son mejores que él.

Ego PRESTIGIOSO. Es el ego que busca el aplauso, el reconocimiento y la admiración en todo lo que hace. Siempre quiere ser el mejor. Con frecuencia dice a los demás: "Te lo advertí", "Lo sabía", "Te lo dije, pero nunca me escuchas", etc.

Ego jinete. Se aprovecha de lo que dicen los demás. Se aprovecha de los datos de los demás para su propio beneficio. Se aprovecha de lo que dicen los demás para estructurar sus propias intervenciones. Es un copista y usurpador.

Ego sordo. Nunca escucha, le gusta hablar sólo para sí mismo, suele fingir que escucha.

Ego MANIPULADOR. Es ese ego astuto que siempre se las arregla, ya sea tergiversando, acomodando, engañando, mintiendo o justificando para que las cosas siempre resulten a su favor.

Ego Orgulloso. Es el ego competitivo y contestatario al que no le gusta perder.

Ego SILENCIOSO. Es el ego que mantiene un discurso paralelo en silencio, es crítico, hipócrita y juzga".

Una persona inteligente y humilde puede llegar a ser digna de admiración reflejando atributos que destaquen la falta de ego.

Posted via proofofbrain.io


it is not possible to completely silence the ego, what we can do is to lower its intensity, to moderate it, in order to be efficient in life.

Yes. I agree with this. We cannot silence our ego completely but it can be tamed.

While it is true that people with ego make people close to them suffer a lot, unfortunately they also wear out their own life, they must face abandonment since family and friends end up moving away, which condemns them to a lonely old age.

It is true that those with ego suffer from human loss because they rarely get interactions as people tend to see them as the "I TOO KNOW" or the "KNOW IT ALL" as you said

Taming our ego will help us transform and grow

RIDER Ego. Rides on what others say. It takes advantage of the data of others for its own benefit. He takes advantage of what others say to structure his own interventions. It is a copyist and usurper.

Well, I stand to be corrected but I think this particular ego is a good one if channeled in the right direction. I am saying this because one with a rider ego saves time and valuable energy, it also gives them an aura of speed and efficiency.

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Well, I stand to be corrected but I think this particular ego is a good one if channeled in the right direction. I am saying this because one with a rider ego saves time and valuable energy, it also gives them an aura of speed and efficiency.

Exactly, now imagine two of this kind being up in a debate, their nature will keep everyone entertained :)

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I will be laughing my head off if I find these two folks on display

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RIDER Ego. Rides on what others say. It takes advantage of the data of others for its own benefit. He takes advantage of what others say to structure his own interventions. It is a copyist and usurper.

I know so many people of this nature "including" myself!

After reading through, I discovered most of the listed out "Ego" can actually be found in one body.

Personally, so many of them relate to me, only a free ain't, but then, I mange to shadow it a bit, even though I don't care about what people think...

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While it is true that people with ego make those close to them suffer a lot, unfortunately they also wear out their own lives, they must face abandonment as family and friends end up distancing themselves, which condemns them to a lonely old age.

It's so sad because they don't the close to them are hurting form there action,and before they could realise there mistake it might be to late to amend the relationship.

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