The power of motivation

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Motivation is a term that refers to the action of motivating a person, the human being in some occasions is motivated by motivating actions to do anything with a spontaneous driven effect.


Personal motivational experience.

I want to tell the people who make up this community, that thanks to a friend who motivated me for several days for me to participate in the #Proofofbrain community, at first I thought about it for almost a week, then, I made the decision to participate my first presentation took about three days to finish it, because I did not know how was the right way to present it, however, Today I thank my friend for insisting and giving me the opportunity to belong to this pleasant community, at the beginning I confess that it was not easy, but not impossible I asked God to give me wisdom and understanding, even when I know that my motivation was driven today I can say that every day I write presentations with a lot of motivation.


Sometimes we need the power of a motivational word to keep us active, with a very positive attitude that can cause the greatest benefit to our health.

Sometimes when you are encouraged to perform any work, sports practice, exercise routines, studies, training or any other action should be borne in mind that at a given time may come discouragement or someone who comes with a word of discouragement or little enthusiasm, and even hear expressions like: Why are you trying so hard if you do not see the result, do not continue and get out of it, you're not good at it you're wasting your time.


A motivated person must have deaf ears to not listen to what they say, rather it is necessary to be strengthened, and understand that each person has their own way of seeing things.


Advantages of the Power of Motivation

The power of motivation can change our behavior and make physical and mental changes in our lives, when you are motivated you can weigh more clearly.
According to the website ( points out some advantages of motivation.

"It energizes you: nothing gives more energy than feeling motivated to do something, than feeling that you have a purpose and that you are valuable. Motivation is a unique, inexhaustible source of energy that you should always tap into.
It helps you stay healthy: being motivated inspires us to take care of ourselves, to stay healthy, to stay active, it lowers our stress level and gives us a very positive attitude, which causes the greatest benefit to our health.
It makes you more creative: a well-motivated person opens his mind to new ideas, likes to share what he thinks, and is enthusiastic about looking for new opportunities and possibilities. When we are motivated, we can definitely put our imagination to work and be much more effective in solving problems.
It helps you adapt to change: it gives you some of that flexibility we all need to be able to handle problems, new things that happen in our lives, and all the normal circumstances we have to deal with.
It makes you stand out: nothing attracts more attention than a happy and positive person, highly motivated in their life. And it's contagious!
It balances you emotionally: motivation allows us to maintain much more balanced internal states, we learn to overcome those curves between extreme joys and strong sadness. This is one of the most transcendental benefits of motivation, allowing us to have a much more stable emotional life".

Reflection: Thanks to all the people who use motivational power, who with just one word can change someone else's life. Yes you can! Never give up!...

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Ciertamente estimada colega, la motivación es una palabra importante para la vida de los seres humanos, es una acción que estimula nuestro trabajo tanto en el hogar, como en la vida profesional. Precisamente, mientras más me escriben de que lo estoy haciendo bien en Hive, más me motivo para seguir publicando, incluso un amigo de la comunidad de #fulldeportes, me refiero a @fermionico me motivó a que publicara sobre yoga, para ser más inédito pues mi hijo publicaba sobre su profesión de ejercicios, y esa estimulación me ha servido para Hive y para mí estilo de vida, pues el yoga ya es una rutina diaria beneficiosa para mí salud, es más el yoga para mí persona es una medicina que diariamente consumo para mí bienestar. Que tengas muchos éxitos en Hive amiga @maribeln. Abrazos

Really nice positive upbeat vibe, really enjoyable reading, so glad your friend managed to persuade you to join proof of brain.

More power to them for bring a lovely writer.

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We all need the power of motivation to function effectively. If there are people around us who are out to demoralize us, we just need to tune them out and focus on the habits, actions, and people that allow us to stay motivated.

It is great you had someone who motivated you to stick to our POB community and since you step foot in here, there has been no regrets

Don't worry, soon you will enjoy here so much, you may likely forget there are other community on hive

I wish you luck in the contest dear

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This kind of power is very inspiring because it is able to rescue dreams and - literally - change lives (in so many ways).

Please, more of this kind of these power for people worldwide.

It is unfortunate that not everyone thinks that way, but in the meantime we will not lose hope that there may be a small change that will inspire many.

Thanks for commenting.

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Motivation is powerful in our daily lives. It gives us the strength to complete all the tasks at hand; to take care or ourselves, our families, and our communities. Without motivation, we all would be slugs and the world would come to a complete halt.

Good luck in the contest.

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You have been chosen to enter the "Just Write" contest (more about the contest here). Results will be announced on Monday, May 17, 2021.

Contest Just Write.png

Best of luck in the contest and keep writing like this!


has sido elegido(a) para entrar en el concurso "Solo escribe" (más datos sobre el concurso aquí). Los resultados se darán el lunes 17 de Mayo del 2021.

Concurso Solo Escribe.png

Mucha suerte en el concurso y continua escribiendo de esta manera!


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A motivated person must have deaf ears to not listen to what they say, rather it is necessary to be strengthened, and understand that each person has their own way of seeing things.

I'm 100% behind you in terms of "being motivated and ignoring the naysayers who may try to bring you down", but there is also a danger with being deaf to all. We touched on this briefly in a previous post for WOTW about persistence and we talked about how being persistent blindly, without thinking clearly of your destination, can sometimes cause you to waste energy and more importantly, time.

"Getting motivated" is also another issue and that usually stems from a wide range of external factors as well as how your inner thinking performs. We're complex creatures, that's for certain, lol.

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I really wanted to make a comment on this post earlier @maribeln. It is very positive and motivated but I wonder how in the post pandemic era how we motivate this generation of pajama kids?

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Motivation is key not only to achieve great things, but also to be happy while doing it.

I think a lesson I wish that I had learned earlier is that the order of things are backwards to what I (and afaik most others) had assumed. I always thought that people first get inspired by someone or something, then that motivates them to make a certain effort do achieve those things, and then that has them put in the work to do it. Instead, I've found that simply starting to do something small to bring yourself closer to a desired goal æ, and seeing that it brings you closer, is highly motivating which then again inspires me to do more, which then again makes me do more (creating a positive loop).

Understanding this has made me so much better at taking initiative and getting work done (even if only a little), where before I would have just sat around waiting for something to inspire or motivate me, only for it never to happen.

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