"FRIENDSHIPS... Are you better because of your friends? / "LAS AMISTADES"… ¿Eres mejor gracias a tus amigos?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

The following story is about the life of a young man named Jeremy, a 22 year old boy, who grew up in a family with principles and good values. Jeremy was a responsible, studious and very prudent boy. When he finished his technical studies, he decided to move to another country to study architecture, he was really passionate about it. When he arrived in that country he was received by a college classmate, Jeremy's classmate led an unbridled life, doing what he wanted and when he wanted.


Jeremy began to surround himself with the friends his roommate hung out with; unsettled by their language and ways of having fun, Jeremy doubted he was with the right people and claimed, "maybe I can make them like me." A few months later, Jeremy was so involved with this group of friends that he had become completely infected by their bad habits and customs, even trading some of his home-bred principles to live the unbridled life they were living.


Friendships represent pillars in our life, and that is wonderful; the problem is that not all friendships provide us with what we need, that is why it is important to know how to choose friendships, since they represent support, affection, comfort, motivation, but above all influence. A friend has the power to add or subtract to your life.

According to the website (https://psicologiaymente.com/social/tipos-de-amigos) they give us some types of friends that we must take into account when choosing our friendships.
Close friend.
"The close friend is the one you can confide in no matter what and tell your intimacies to."
Best friend.
"The best friend is that person with whom you share absolutely everything and whom you love almost as much as your partner."
False friend (or interested friend).
"False friends are characterized by being interested, whether it's for your money, your vehicle or whatever reason."

A friend is one who supports you in difficult times, who motivates you to fulfill your dreams, who tells you when you are not doing well without fear of angering you, who possesses values and principles similar to yours, who never encourages you to do something that will hurt you such as lying, drinking alcohol, or dropping out of school, among other things.


If your friendships do not add to you, but subtract from you, you are destined to live a life of much failure and frustration. If you can't find good reasons, you probably need to look for new friendships. Your friendships may lead you to make bad decisions like Jeremy's case, but if there is nothing they are adding to you then you are wasting your time. Among other things, you are the sum of your friends, I would like you to analyze this story and examine your life and ask yourself who you are when you are with them.

A friend is very important in the life of a person because, in difficult times they give us their unconditional support to overcome the circumstances that arise in life. Proverbs 17:17 says "A friend loves at all times,
And he is like a brother in time of trouble."

Version en español/ Spanish version

"LAS AMISTADES... ¿Eres mejor gracias a tus amigos?

La siguiente historia trata de la vida de un joven llamado Jeremy, de 22 años, que creció en una familia con principios y buenos valores. Jeremy era un chico responsable, estudioso y muy prudente. Cuando terminó sus estudios técnicos, decidió trasladarse a otro país para estudiar arquitectura, algo que le apasionaba. Cuando llegó a ese país fue recibido por un compañero de universidad, el compañero de Jeremy llevaba una vida desenfrenada, haciendo lo que quería y cuando quería.


Jeremy empezó a rodearse de los amigos con los que salía su compañero de clase; inquieto por su lenguaje y su forma de divertirse, Jeremy dudó de estar con la gente adecuada y afirmó: "quizá pueda hacer que les guste". Unos meses más tarde, Jeremy estaba tan involucrado con este grupo de amigos que se había contagiado por completo de sus malos hábitos y costumbres, llegando a cambiar algunos de sus principios caseros para vivir la vida desenfrenada que ellos llevaban.


Las amistades representan pilares en nuestra vida, y eso es maravilloso; el problema es que no todas las amistades nos aportan lo que necesitamos, por eso es importante saber elegir las amistades, ya que representan apoyo, afecto, consuelo, motivación, pero sobre todo influencia. Un amigo tiene el poder de sumar o restar a tu vida.

Según la página web (https://psicologiaymente.com/social/tipos-de-amigos) nos dan algunos tipos de amigos que debemos tener en cuenta a la hora de elegir nuestras amistades.

Amigo íntimo.
"El amigo íntimo es aquel en el que puedes confiar pase lo que pase y contar tus intimidades".

Mejor amigo.
"El mejor amigo es esa persona con la que compartes absolutamente todo y a la que quieres casi tanto como a tu pareja".

Falso amigo (o amiga interesada).
"Los falsos amigos se caracterizan por ser interesados, ya sea por tu dinero, por tu vehículo o por el motivo que sea".

Un amigo es aquel que te apoya en los momentos difíciles, que te motiva a cumplir tus sueños, que te dice cuando no te va bien sin miedo a enfadarte, que posee valores y principios similares a los tuyos, que nunca te anima a hacer algo que te perjudique como mentir, beber alcohol o abandonar los estudios, entre otras cosas.


Si tus amistades no te suman, sino que te restan, estás destinado a vivir una vida de mucho fracaso y frustración. Si no puedes encontrar buenas razones, probablemente debas buscar nuevas amistades. Tus amistades pueden llevarte a tomar malas decisiones como el caso de Jeremy, pero si no te aportan nada entonces estás perdiendo el tiempo. Entre otras cosas, eres la suma de tus amigos, me gustaría que analizaras esta historia y examinaras tu vida y te preguntaras ¿Quién eres cuando estás con ellos?.

Un amigo es muy importante en la vida de una persona porque, en los momentos difíciles nos dan su apoyo incondicional para superar las circunstancias que se presentan en la vida. Proverbios 17:17 dice "El amigo ama en todo momento, y es como un hermano en los momentos difíciles".

Posted via proofofbrain.io


This is why the scripture says "Bad company corrupts good manner"

It is important that we choose our friendly carefully

And that is because since affection will be involved in the longest run, they will be able to influence us either negatively or positively

It is therefore important that we don't joke around with this choice of action.

Good friends are supportive, and help us become the people we are supposed to be, but bad ones mislead us

Posted via proofofbrain.io