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RE: Travel with Pets and a Life Update

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Any move is very stressful and even more so when we move with pets, their care must be continuous and special. I thought that bad service and lost luggage only happened in my country, but here these things also happen, they even steal the contents of the suitcases!
It's not only the pet that suffers from stress, the anxiety of waiting so long makes us all anxious. And it is always the "Covid" who is to blame, if not the President of the Republic (laughs).
You let the criticism be seen from the beginning of the publication but I am glad to know that your trip with your pets was well done. What I liked the most was the picture of the food (laughs), it looked very appetizing.
Regards @leaky20

Toda mudanza es muy estresante y más aun cuando nos trasladamos con mascotas, su cuidado debe ser continuo y especial. Yo creí que el mal servicio y la pérdida de equipaje solo ocurría en mi país, ya que aquí también pasan esas cosas ¡hasta se roban el contenido de las maletas!
No sólo la mascota sufre de estrés, la inquietud por estar esperando tanto, nos produce ansiedad ha todos. Y siempre tiene la culpa el “Covid” sino el Presidente de la República (risas).
La crítica la dejas ver desde un principio de la publicación pero me alegra saber que tu viaje con tus mascotas estuvo bien logrado. Lo que más me agradó fue la fotografía de la comida (risas), se veía muy apetitosa.
Saludos @leaky20


Yeah airport problems seem to be the norm these days and covid is always blamed even when it has nothing to do with it at all. Now it's just a scapegoat it seems. That's too bad that things are bad in your country in similar ways. Hopefully things get better eventually.

This is what all the inhabitants of my beloved Venezuela are waiting for.

Así lo esperamos todos los habitantes de mi amada Venezuela