Every day I take pictures with the cell phone camera. Usually it's city pictures showing how lines and geometric shapes can frame an imae. Sometimes the pictures have an ironic quality to them. Often the pictures would make people I know laugh based on inside jokes we have with each other.
On occasion I photograph signs, posters, and cards to have them for future reference; in this case, I'm using the phone's camera to take notes.
Many people using cell phone cameras take selfies. I'm not one of them. I've taken a few, but I'm not into taking selfies.
It was good to know your motivations behind clicking day to day pictures. And you have mentioned some interesting ways you use your smartphone camera, to capture something that makes sense to people you know and the private puns you had with them and the geometric patterns in city structures.
I don’t use my camera that often, mostly at some occasion or when i am travelling. But you have provided me with some interesting use cases. Also I am not a big fan of selfies either 🙃.
I will try imaging some city landscapes for sure and see what it brings out.
Thanks for sharing.