I painted a Warhammer 40k space marine - step by step progress and end result (Pic heavy)

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Warhammer 40k was always something I was into as a kid, I never really played the game that much but used to love the models and reading the white dwarf magazine. A little while ago I had a random urge to give painting a model a go again after all these years (i was probably 12 when i painted before and now im 37...)

Here is step by step photos of the progress and the end result!

I started with chaos black spray and then used Mephiston red spray - then I started painting some gold detail.


Next I added some leadbeltcher silver to the gun and chains


I then added some grey to the bones on the shoulder pad and painted some purple gemstones


Next I added some bone colour to the purity seals, and painted the eyes green (hard!)


More detailing added to his robe.


Now i started with washes to bring out more detail and weather the robes


Further shading ..


Added highlights to all edges and added whits to the eyes, plus blended more on the gems.


From the back.


So there is is, thats the finished space marine, All in all it took me about 10 hours to do, I could have done it faster but i wanted to paint it to the very best standard i could achieve. I was actually pleasantly surprised with the end result and this an army of these guys would be awesome, In reality I dont have the patience to do that, but there is 10 more of these to go from a board game called "spacehulk" I will get round to doing another soon!

One last pic for scale of the model next to an SD card, the detail on these things is so minute in places I had to work with magnifying glasses!


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Thats reminds me about my toys gundam in my childhood, you have amazing creativity sir and i love how you can painting the mini toys with diffuculties detail when you're 12 y.o. Totally Cool !

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Wow 😯

That’s so cool.
Power of creativity. It’s really an impressive work, really worth the time😊

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