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RE: Christmas in Gaza - Palestine

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Perhaps Christmas represents a special occasion for Christians, and there are advocates of extremists from other religions not to celebrate this occasion.

If only my people would want to know more about this and learn that there were other great side of Gaza, you and your people.

I understand the hardship you endure at this time.
But it makes me even more sad to see your situation are being use to gain popularity and money by some bad preacher here.

Some hardline preachers even banned moslem to even just say merry christmas, or even use any christmas related ornament. Not even santa hat.


I will try to show this aspect of our lives without trying to take sympathy from our situation.

Yes, these preachers are present, perhaps in all Arab countries, and they have a great reputation for using these bad methods that try to increase religious fanaticism.


I really do hope that your voice and messages can be heard to all over the world. And you and your family may always in God's blessing.

that bad kind of preachers are always found in any religions (from my perspective) or at least a person with bad intentions manage to gain power, influence and money by spreading religious fanaticism.

I hope that too , and people understand that's by myselves thanks my dear friend ❤