The Hornet in the Hive (if you're a commie)...An last serious's all ridicule from here on in...

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Due to the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when I now decide to write a post on Hive, this post is actually 123% funnier than how it comes across.

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A quick update on my video - I'm still thinking about how to put it all together.
Once made it will be the 'go to' place to really understand how things work around here.
...I'm not the most motivated to do it , tbh - but I will do it - just to show others the truth.

After a week away from posting, I thought it only polite to post - more to annoy the commies that run this place, than anything else - and to irritate the sycophants that beg for some breadcrumbs from the whale's table (and will do almost anything for them).

My time here is coming to an end.

You can only put up with bullying low IQ morons idiocy from communists for so long.
Enough is enough.


Only joking!

Do you really think I'm gonna just leave this cancerous woke environment to spread freely - among the rest of society?
Fuck no.

'The woke mob' - being the bunch of spineless sycophants that they are, have shown their true colors on hive over this last three (four?) months, and have shown just how chicken shit and brainless they really are.
(i.e your typical 'woke commie').

Hive - as a platform - is waaaaay behind the curve and the change in the cultural zeitgeist.

'Hive woke, go broke'...

People are waking up, and no amount of continued gaslighting has the same effect anymore.
Collectivism via 'authoritarianism 'is old news.
Collectivism is a losing strategy - but the delusional cannot seem to grasp this reality, bless.
A 100 years of failed social experiments and millions of corpses have shown it to be so...

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So from here on in, I'll be playing my own game. (taraz inspired me a lot in this regard - by framing this hive reality as nothing more than 'a game').

Games are fun ! ...or good ones are, anyways.
...Especially the strategy type. ( a pastime that I've enjoyed since the age of 6 or 7 with my introduction to chess).

I've already exposed the weakness of the hive ecosystem and it's governance structure to the outside world.
***And a special thanks to all the downvoters confirming my perspectives to outside sources - who found the downvotes on my account excellent examples of the weaknesses that I've presented to them.
The energy that you've put into killing my account will come back to you - by the truckload (if I have anything to do with it).

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There's no way that I could've have presented my case quite so succinctly , not without all your continued input and bullying.

Not only does the emperor have no clothes, his house is burning down as well.
Non commie logic:
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Hive logic:

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As I mentioned in the opening of my post - this place no longer fills me with a 'what can I write about today' sense of fun, but more of a 'fuck, do I really have to wade into this cesspool of a platform, once again'...

I walked away from my couple of decades income (a 500% cut in my money) , to persue writing my truths, to see if I could make enought to live off it.
I could have done so - Indeed, I DID do so (without the cancerous actions off the woke mob becoming a thing).

The free market aspect of the platform,(upvotes) told me I could do it.
The commie bullying told me that I could definitely do it.
Have no doubt about this - I will profit from the toxicity - and with a bit of luck, make the toxic excuses for human beings - go broke.

Due to my martyr syndrome, the hating of bullies, and an unwavering philosophical and ethical principle structure - I now have no choice other than to 'opt in' to hive...

'How to make my lemonade from wading through a toxic dump ?', ....that is the question.

And ridicule.
And more laughter.
In fact - after this post - any post that I do on this account, will be of that genre type.
(it's the only way to maintain my sanity in this insane asylum !).

My 'serious posts' will be linked to my substack account (details to follow).

Before I start 'the comic roasting posts' , I'll give you a quick philosophical dilemma about property, hive, and the illusion of magic tricks.

'Now you have it, now you don't!'

Your stake size determines your voting power. Or so it's presented as.

Your voting power comes from the token inflation (called the 'rewards pool' - a misnomer at best).

You have your stake power, and the relative amount of voting power that comes with it.
AT THAT POINT IN TIME - it is your property to with as you wish (upvote downvote, burn, whatever).
No one has any say over how you use your portion of the inflation.
As the sole arbiter of your own voting power - derived from your stake - your investment is your property.

BUT THEN !!!.... your property can then be taken off you any account with more stake power (downvoting).
Is that not theft? (philosophically speaking) ... even if the 'code is law' makes it 'legal'?

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One moment it is your property - the next it isn't. (if another account doesn't want it to be)....
Other accounts decide for you, where your portion of the inflation is to be directed.
When it goes back into the 'rewards pool' it's then dispensed out to other accounts.

Stake is the only thing that is actually yours - even though it's presented as you having 'your proportion of the rewards pool'.

If others can decide where your property goes - it was - in reality - never really yours...

There is the illusion of the 'rewards pool'.
For seven days, other people have total control over your allotted inflation....

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Did you know that some of the most profitable credit card scams in history involve the tiniest of amounts?
By debiting minuscule amounts (single digit of cents), each month, with numerous credit cards.
The people being scammed see a few cents being withdrawn from their account, and can't be arsed chasing it up.
When this happens on a massive scale, the criminals make millions !
End of factoid.

When 'the rewards' are returned to the 'rewards pool'(via downvoting) and then redistributed , it's redistributed proportionally among all the other accounts on hive.
The bigger the account , the more tokens they receive.
Even if they are tiny amounts, they all add up (see credit card factoid above as an illustration).

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To the midwit nasgul, all profit is profit worth pursuing (even if it's tiny, tiny, amounts accruing over time).
End of factoid.

So - to recap:
The inflation given to you is based on your stake size, and is yours to do with as you wish - unless, that is , other people do not wish you to use your allocated rewards as you wish.

And that's why the reward pool system , is an illusion.
(the provably failed concept of 'the commons principle' never working)

You never own it - not until after seven days.

But the big accounts do own it throughout those seven days.......

Always.'s at the whim of the larger stake holders to decide for you, where that inflation goes....MMmmmmm....
Nice !.... but that's only if you're of a 'serf mentality' (commies love that) , but it's totally shite as a system for actual grown up's.

Without private property, there can be no free market - just the illusion of one .

One that's sold to you, as such - by people who do not want a free market.

Communists/authoritarians/technocrats, never want a free market - as that means talent and competence becomes relevant.
Communists never want talent and competence to be the mechanism of the distribution of wealth.
Because they're only interested in power and having control over others (Small man syndrome).
Because they have no talent and competence . They are more parasitic, than creative, in nature.
*They might well have talent and competence of course - but being so insecure, fearful of life, and so full of self loathing - they can never see it in themselves...bless.
They only see any hope of accruing 'power' is through disingenuous mechanisms of wealth extraction from the labors of others. you have your voting power, and now you don't!

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A geologist defends the right to abduct rocks for sex, insists that 'rock rape is a social construct '.

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Whale denies eating all the tokens...


i think hive is still coming up because rome is not built in a day ,every successful journey is a matter of step by step, the more you go the more the difficulty appears, but you keep pushing it to to rightful direction per time you will surely have a success story,
and talking about the down voters , you should know that anything that it in the public or general are open the different type of people and different ideologies, some people are brought up to act childishly and some are brought up to act mature, the category of the childish ones are those that act foolish in public they take everything in life as a joke they are never serious, and the category of the mature one is in to category also which is the wicked and the good ones , so when you see the good one in any community in life you recognise them by their kindness even when others are mistaken instead of condemning them they correct them in love but the wicked ones i dont need to say anything about them

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When the children try to run things, they avoid any hard reality.

DPoS (hive) is a case in point - and actions on the platform show this - It's abundantly clear.

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But it's not your money until the seven days are up, never was, get over yourself, code is law, can't you grasp that you drama queen, you are a nobody...


I'm with this guy. Fuck off scam artist, get outta here with your factoids , logic, and common sense...

by the way @lucylin, the wotw might be right up your street this week. you definitely have the source material for it.

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lol- sorry massa...

"One moment it is your property - the next it isn't." (if another account doesn't want it to be)

That's false, pending rewards are not your property until they are settled! Why are you spreading fud and lies?? That's why you get flagged, for fake news!

that is my whole point - philosophical reality v. 'code is law' process.
the two do not match.
Ethics (philosophy) comes before process....Or at least, it does in societies .
I can't find any examples in history where that is not the case

Due to the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach when I now decide to write a post on Hive, this post is actually 123% funnier than how it comes across.

¡Yay! Welcome to Hive!
Right On! Expand you funny horizons. };)

Due to my martyr syndrome, the hating of bullies, and an unwavering philosophical and ethical principle structure - I now have no choice other than to 'opt in' to hive...

As you know, the world belongs only to the daring. LoL


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more to annoy the commies that run this place, than anything else - and to irritate the sycophants that beg for some breadcrumbs from the whale's table (and will do almost anything for them).

At least they get paid, watching people sell themselves out to Mark Zucky Zuck for free was demoralizing lol

P.S. I know a lunatic level BLM supporter on here who will downvote 100% on every post I have in curation lol all it takes is tagging her. We could get this popping lol

I know one of them to - she muted me from her community when i was pointing out some pesky facts...
Unfortunately a large stakeholder - who apparently supports the free market - delegated HP to her !...

Just placed my DV on an overvalued post

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If Hive is such a terrible place for you, if you hate Hive so much - why don't you leave Hive ?
Leave it once and forever.