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RE: If I'm collateral damage, what does that tell you?...That it's time to do some carpet bombing ?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

They equate stake power with really, they do !... lolol

In real life, , they must feel utterly powerless , impotent , and full of self loathing.....
....this is probably the only chance they get in life to project some kind of faux 'powerrrrrr' - all in an attempt to try and make up for their lack of any real substance in real life....a pathetically sad excuse for an adult.

cvg - Copy (5) - Copy - Copy - Copy.jpg
....all they can show to the world is envy, toxicity, and a 'spoiled little child' mentality...It's getting embarrassing now..


It's a type of strength, just not a particularly useful one. I don't know anything about any of 'their' lives... if it actually IS the only strength they have to exercise, I'm happy for them that at least they have something, because that sounds like a pretty shitty existence. You say they're pathetically sad excuses for adults, but do you know if they even are adults? When I was 14, I was trying to build something like Hive (in the most rudimentary sense) in BASIC on a Tandy 4P... the really nice one with TWO 5.25" floppy drives. If I had pulled it off, I would have been the cuntiest twat you'd ever seen on a platform, and even worse in real life.

I don't know if these people built this, but I do know that some of them have been pouring their lives into it for years. I can understand why they might feel a certain ownership or stewardship towards it, and feel entitled to flex their nuts when they think something (or someone) is throwing stones at their Hive. I don't like it any more than you do, but I also don't like 'othering' people that we don't agree with by calling them things like pathetic, sad, or evil. You may recall, my very first interaction with you was over a downvote I gave, largely because of that kind of language, that was worth almost zero rewards, but led to a discussion that I felt produced positive results for both of us.

That envy, toxicity, and 'spoiled little child' mentality is almost always rooted in some trauma that they suffered themselves, usually at the hands of a parent, who acted much the same way. Poking a hornet's nest doesn't make the hornets quit being hornets, it just makes them notice you.

I don't want to stop you from doing that, if that's what you enjoy. You're doing a fantastic job of getting people polarized over the whole concept of downvotes. If, however, you actually want to change hearts and minds, you might want to consider changing your tone.

You're trying to get hornets to quit being hornets by throwing rocks at them, when what you need to be doing is convincing them to take a vaccine that will change their DNA. ;)


I was trying to build something like Hive, I called it Mea Omnia.

That last part about getting people to take vaccines to change their DNA had me chuckle but only because it is true.