My point was for fighting/ engaging in conflict. Give the enemy a reason to approach. (I wasn't talking about writing, and if you don't know how to get the enemy to approach... lol then that might be one of the problems with your technique.)
Continuing in the military metaphor...I'm gonna pull rank! lol
You misunderstand tactics, strategy, and psychology.
(having studied military history for 30 years, and philosophy and psychology for 7 or so)
The enemy is approaching me with every down vote.
I've been playing 'defensive' for 9 months... Intentionally, btw.
I'll soon be on the offensive (and the snowflakes on here already think that 'I'm offensive' lol !!....they ain't seen nothing yet).
I'm more than happy to explain the philosophical/tectical/strategic employed so far to you ....(again 'this kind of stuff' is my hobby, my passion, and my very raison d'etre)
i.e..I'm not using the 'appeal to authority' logical fallacy in my arguments.
I just don't have that time to do so right now, is all.