Unless you are a massive stakeholder + part of a cabal in crowd - you have no choice over anything - just the illusion......You'll be telling me that you think voting makes a difference, next !lol
My posts hit a mark - the truth. The amount of upvotes says everything.
...And the truth is something that TPTB, would prefer not to address.
It won't change anything now, I don't think (I've given up on any intelligence)... but whereas all I wanted todo was air our dirty laundry in our public square - and discuss issues - I'm now being pushed off it, to now go and have to explain it the wider world...
I've been thrown a massive load of shit covered lemons - for over two months now.
....*Who , ffs, in their right mind, would think that @lucylin isn't gonna make lemonade - and profit - from the said pile of shit lemons delivered into my blog ?
How many notices did I post to that effect - 20?...I really did try.
The idiots.