If I'm collateral damage, what does that tell you?...That it's time to do some carpet bombing ?

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

After my recent post - and rapid downvote by blocktrades and the sycophants - something just struck me.


...I don't mean an assassination attempt by 'the powers that be'...although saying that - and looking at actions and words to help define specific accounts psychological profile's - it might not be too far removed from the actual truth of things...(@shepz1 ....I used to do a www.steemd/ muppet search to see which of them was a gov agent, most of them are, you got to know your enemy bro!)

No.... what struck me was something that @bashadow said in one of his comments.
It's not exactly a new concept - and it's one that one I've thought about previously.

The only reason for down vote for rewards dispute is because the down voter either does not like the poster, does not understand the post, or is anti to what the poster is presenting, or the real truth - they are punishing the person that gave out a big vote because they could.

Apart from the absurdity of the first part (absurd because it's true), it's the last part that I'm talking about...
...or the real truth - they are punishing the person that gave out a big vote because they could.

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Think about it...
Mine - or any other account for that matter - are simply the battle ground for bigger accounts to re-adjust a mathematical equation in respects to the reward pool and the redistribution of Hive tokens....and thus, in doing so, it maintains the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few in the process - that's all very coincidental, I'm sure...(sarc)...

That reality sounds really , really, pretty, doesn't it?


In effect, it means that all smaller accounts that are getting 'too much support' - are collateral damage...

The work that goes into the posts is irrelevant.
The content of the posts is irrelevant.
Ergo, the system of rewards for creating content , is a total farce. An illusion that's presented as reality.

If the 'we' are collateral damage is an accurate picture - as @bashdow eludes to, then what does that tell you?

Let me help....

It tells you there is zero respect for other human beings - people who work and put the effort in, to create posts.

It tells you there is zero respect for the input from small accounts.

It tells you there is zero respect for anything and 'code is law' is god. ...The arbiter of all things.

It tells you that moral responsibility is absent.

If collateral damage is an acceptable part of things , and code is law - then all it needs , is for the small accounts to use the code ourselves in our own way.

Yes, there will be collateral damage - lots of it - but if this paradigm that @bashadow suggests is an accurate one, it means that according to the powers that be on hive - collateral damage is not only acceptable - it's an endemic part of the code !
Ain't that an attractive proposition..?

So be it.
It's a two way street.

It all adds towards building a truer picture of the reality - or lack of...
One that's called.... 'The Hive Ecosystem'.

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Saul Alinsky - Rules for Radicals.

'...Use the power of the law by making the establishment obey its own rules...'



I'm glad you get to keep my upvotes on proof of brain, because clearly they are worth jack shit on Hive...



It's still worth one upvote, which, if you're seeking appreciation for your work rather than income, is worth more than $50 given out of pity or disdain.

$50 is $50, until it is removed from your pocket, then it is jack shit...

Hive rewards aren't in your pocket. The $50 is still $50 if it gets removed from your pocket, it's just $50 in someone else's pocket.

If i have say 100k invested in a platform I prefer to decide whose pockets my votes end up in. If that is not the case I may prefer to shift my investments into more productive areas!

For some reason I am very attached to concepts like my pocket vs someone else's pocket...


Agreed and that is a major rebuttal to the downvote arguments. I am against having downvotes. So, the Hive Power argument might be one of the best ways to counter people who might say we need downvotes or whatever they might be saying.

Not for long. You guys know that POB is on "hive"- engine... right?

Is this a threat from a coder ready to hack shit broke ,... to destroy and steel shit ?

For as it is ,..... fuck of ! .... and disappear with it ,.. back to the pit you crawled from .


Not impressed , for the internet is way bigger as Hive or POB , and the sun is shining outside right now .
Have fun staring at the shadows on the walls .

Posted via proofofbrain.io

What a cunty attitude. You know you can 'mute' people, right?

Yeah, I do ;)

Meh, they can take away your rewards, but they'll never take...

your FREEDOM!!!

They equate stake power with strength...bless...no really, they do !... lolol

In real life, , they must feel utterly powerless , impotent , and full of self loathing.....
....this is probably the only chance they get in life to project some kind of faux 'powerrrrrr' - all in an attempt to try and make up for their lack of any real substance in real life....a pathetically sad excuse for an adult.

cvg - Copy (5) - Copy - Copy - Copy.jpg
....all they can show to the world is envy, toxicity, and a 'spoiled little child' mentality...It's getting embarrassing now..

It's a type of strength, just not a particularly useful one. I don't know anything about any of 'their' lives... if it actually IS the only strength they have to exercise, I'm happy for them that at least they have something, because that sounds like a pretty shitty existence. You say they're pathetically sad excuses for adults, but do you know if they even are adults? When I was 14, I was trying to build something like Hive (in the most rudimentary sense) in BASIC on a Tandy 4P... the really nice one with TWO 5.25" floppy drives. If I had pulled it off, I would have been the cuntiest twat you'd ever seen on a platform, and even worse in real life.

I don't know if these people built this, but I do know that some of them have been pouring their lives into it for years. I can understand why they might feel a certain ownership or stewardship towards it, and feel entitled to flex their nuts when they think something (or someone) is throwing stones at their Hive. I don't like it any more than you do, but I also don't like 'othering' people that we don't agree with by calling them things like pathetic, sad, or evil. You may recall, my very first interaction with you was over a downvote I gave, largely because of that kind of language, that was worth almost zero rewards, but led to a discussion that I felt produced positive results for both of us.

That envy, toxicity, and 'spoiled little child' mentality is almost always rooted in some trauma that they suffered themselves, usually at the hands of a parent, who acted much the same way. Poking a hornet's nest doesn't make the hornets quit being hornets, it just makes them notice you.

I don't want to stop you from doing that, if that's what you enjoy. You're doing a fantastic job of getting people polarized over the whole concept of downvotes. If, however, you actually want to change hearts and minds, you might want to consider changing your tone.

You're trying to get hornets to quit being hornets by throwing rocks at them, when what you need to be doing is convincing them to take a vaccine that will change their DNA. ;)


I was trying to build something like Hive, I called it Mea Omnia.

That last part about getting people to take vaccines to change their DNA had me chuckle but only because it is true.

...and thanks for the show of support through actions. (the hive and hbd received).
It's noted - and appreciated.

No thanks needed, these rewards are just game points to me, and I haven't taken gaming too seriously since I was... oh jeez, I don't even remember. How old is the Atari 2600? It was that long ago.

That's what we are really lacking here, there's zero respect for people who work and put their effort in to create posts. By the way, why would someone be so much selfish that the only thing you could think of from your minute brain is to downvote others.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Tells me that you are a moron and a leech. And I will nuke your POB rewards as well. If POB does not self destructs that is :)

love you, to !......the mask slips...your're hilarious.

You toxicity drips off the screen, for everyone to see.
Such a nice person ...lol

Who needs self destruction with berserker fucks like you smashing things?

Finally showing your true form ,... what your gonna do , gobble it all up ?

This looks more like a leech to me ,...
And the score is 60 against 1 ,.... fuck the coin , count the votes .

Posted via proofofbrain.io

And I will nuke your POB rewards as well.

No, you won't.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

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I am moist after reading this.

Why would I say moist? To throw the bits the fuck off... Gov federalis senior.

Mine - or any other account for that matter - are simply the battle ground for bigger accounts to re-adjust a mathematical equation in respects to the reward pool and the redistribution of Hive tokens.


I can't decide which one I like better. Grubstaker rolls off the tongue nice.


collateral damage is not only acceptable - it's an endemic part of the code !

Oh yeah! "Collateral Damage" let's musicalize that a bit!!

building a truer picture of the reality - or lack of...

that fly took me back to the intro of Men in Black

What is tricky about Hive is that it is simultaneously an alleged free market and employer on top of perhaps several other things as well.

The goal should be that of supply and demand to let people upvote posts as a way of rewarding what they want, that is what we might call a free market or at least an attempt towards that end result of a free-market.

What is strange in some ways is that the money we use to upvote is generally provided by the omnipotent rewards pool which I want to call the employer. Of course, the pool may not be an entity as such but it is still a system which cryptocurrencies are distributed and redistributed and everything.

Other blockchains or social networks may be better, some might argue, that is if you simply tip or donate in order to reward content we like. So, combining upvoting with a centralized pool is cool some might say and yet still a liability or a potential weakness depending on how such a bilateral blockchain can be exploited, etc, and don't get me started on downvotes (flagging) which makes it perhaps a trilateral party, we don't have time to talk about downvoting, the logic behind it, even tho I've written many posts on that subject alone.

One suggestion might be to let downvotes affect a reputation number but not to be confused with the REP score of a person, I just mean downvotes probably shouldn't be used to offset upvotes. Instead, they should simply include a downvote total next to the upvote total.

But I said I wasn't going to talk about downvotes because I can talk about it all day. I instead just wanted to share these other thoughts that came to my mind, that the relationship upvoting has with the rewards pool is somewhat odd and I'm not trying to say I have all the answers here. I might have said it before that a better system might include at least more than one rewards-pool in that there has to be a way to decentralize the pool or perhaps I'm wrong about that.

I want to believe that Hive Blog is at least a little better than Steemit which was taken over by Tron Overlord Justin Sun. Hive is still my favorite blockchain. I still copy and paste my daily posts to Steemit and to a few others.

I get the arguments people make regarding how downvoting is supposed to theoretically discourage and eventually perhaps like slow down spam, scams, plagiarism, low-quality content, theft, boring articles, hate-speech, etc, etc. By the way, I don't believe in hate speech. I'm playing Devil's advocate.

I could probably talk all day regarding trying to come up with rebuttals to the downvote arguments. I've made my arguments in the past but I'm trying to come up with better ones. So, for now, I'll stop writing. I should probably write some more articles relating to all of these topics as soon as I can.
