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RE: 1776 Shots Fired (or) Why I Proxied to LZ's Witlist & You Can Too! ✨

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

check to see which accounts are downvoting you and then check to see which witnesses they support

check to see which accounts are downvoting your friends and then check to see which witnesses they support


check the delegations

for example, i received a large downvote from @usainvote and it's not obvious who controls that account, but if you look at the delegations...


and then it just makes sense to check...



Don't see you crying about the 50+ upvotes I gave you. As usual, your logic is way off.

isn't it strange that a street performer doesn't complain when money is thrown into their tip-jar

and then they get all bent-out-of-shape when you kick their tip-jar into the gutter

how strange is that ?