The balance of society concept is one of the most powerful ideas in the world today. People live in such a state of continual chaos and emotional upheaval that it is amazing that we are still able to operate a civilization that way. People are becoming polarized on almost every issue, and most of what they agree upon is on the negative side of the spectrum. There seems to be no middle ground. I believe that if people would stop and think for themselves, the balance of society concept would dissipate and we would return to a society of individuals with greater civic responsibility.
The L balance of society refers to the point of view that individuals living in a civilized society should have an equal opportunity to achieve personal success and to attain happiness and fulfillment as well. That means that there must be a leveling off at the national level, and that individual nations must work harder so that their standard of living improves enough to allow their citizens to have reasonable access to prosperity. Too many citizens live in abject poverty; indeed some of the richest people on earth live in undeveloped nations where they face serious problems with extreme poverty. The level of development of societies around the world must be considered when comparing them to our own.
The L balance of society concept has been promoted by a number of individuals including Elton John, Henry David Thoreau, and Martin Luther King, among others. They all argue that individual rights cannot exist without the guarantee of economic success for everyone. For that reason, they promote a return to social responsibility through taxation. This tax on the wealthy would reverse the current trend of increasing wealth at the top, while everyone else suffered.
Most citizens are concerned with returning to a balance of society and to a level of sustainable development. In most developed countries today, wealth gaps between rich and poor are growing. This trend is likely to continue unless drastic measures are taken. Wealth creation from new sources will not be sufficient to provide for the needs of future generations if the current trends continue. A common idea for creating wealth is public investment.
The idea behind investing in a balanced L society is that everyone has an equal right to pursue economic growth. This would include access to education, health care, housing, jobs, and other benefits. Those who do not have the opportunity to enjoy these benefits due to wealth or income levels will be provided access to these necessities through a social safety net. Wealth creation will occur through sustainable development.
Sustainable development is a theory that emerged from the global community in the late 20th century. It states that economic development is possible only if certain conditions are fulfilled. One such condition is the existence of a strong L e balance of society. A group of sustainable development experts came up with the idea of creating a United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) to help reverse the damage done to the environment by economic growth.
Economic growth, while necessary, does not have to be unchecked. Through a carefully monitored and prescribed approach, sustainable development can occur. A crucial first step towards this goal is raising the L e balance of society. For example, governments should establish programs that address poverty, hunger, health issues, and family planning. Multi-stakeholder coalitions can then be formed to ensure that all societal goals are met. The success of these programs will depend on the input of local people.
The goals set forth by the sustainable development concept can be realized by a careful monitoring and evaluation of the status of the L e balance of society. Local governments should provide opportunities for individuals to work together to overcome poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. The UNEP also offers projects focusing on the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women. Multi-stakeholder institutions (MBIs) provide the structure needed for a balanced Lee society. Finally, environmental groups can initiate campaigns that promote environmental stewardship and use of sustainable technologies.