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RE: YouTube disable comments on my latest film which shows the source of our region's supposed water shortage

in Proof of Brainlast year (edited)

Well, what else were you expecting from the YT gang? Odysee is still pretty decent, despite being hammered by the LBRY topic. 3Speak is part of Hive therefore a good option. Deploy all that you can as long as you can. I expect FB, Google and consorts to introduce verification for all accounts soon. Fun times 😎


Hey Krisz! I didn't post many films these last few years so i had forgotten to be honest how strict YT had become. We are just back from a holiday in the mountains and i am keen to edit the films i shot there but feel sure my thoughts on various subjects, shared in the films, will not fit YT's guidelines. I will likely keep posting there until i can't but i won't be adjusting my words to fit their guidelines as i see many other YT users doing.

Hope everything is going great for you!