I like this. I know what it means to be distracted from writing. Whenever it happens, it seems as if you are loosing your ability to creatively come up with something that is worth reading.
But like you said, the fear of posting a crappy work is actually what keeps us from posting just anything.
I don't know if this fear is completely good or bad, but we can always use it the right way.
Of course, we need to watch out for what we are publishing. We also need to realise that the best way to get better is by writing. Hahah. Now, that's alot on the table.
Let's just write✌️
You captured the feeling exactly, Ogbeni! This fear of bad writing cripples good writers while we have those who do not care and just post whatever they like.
Still, how do we get better if not by writing and writing! Thanks for your insightful comment.
Happy weekend and make time to fry some potatoes (without the black spots, of course) 😏😄