Hahah.... The way you see snow she's probably the same way we see sunlight here. I know of many countries that would go to places just to enjoy in sunlight but in this part of the world, we don't see it as a good thing 😂.
Hehe... Tell Mr.Snow that l'm coming on a rescue mission
I've seen the tag to your post. Lemme go and read the full gist 😋
Please.come see the snow!!!!
It will make me happier to see it Hahahhaa
Right now???
It is 110 degrees.
In what world is this ok?!?!?!!
At night it usually starts to cool around 7 pm... Maybe it's 85 degrees or so then... thankfully.
This week?!?!
9 pm and still 98 degrees.
come bring your cool weather to California hahahahahhaa