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RE: Disaster Strikes

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Yep! Life is multifaceted and one of these facets is that it's a storm. So, Edmond Dante is right there. These storms help define who we truly are.

Like you said - What defines our character is what we do WHEN the storm hits. I also like to rely on a similar saying - If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. ~ (Proverbs 24:10 NKJV)

If only the lovely smiling lady in the video knew of the impending 'disaster', would she have smiled? From my teeny-tiny knowledge of her, I say YES! She would have definitely smiled!

Kepp smiling, ma'am. We believe the testing period will go well. Thanks for the encouraging words in this post. You are an inspiration to us all. 😉🤗💖


Hehehhee I love this comment!!!! I'm smiling from ear to ear now!!!

So...yes...the tears came and went and now it's back to smiling!!!!! Lololol

I'm so excited for our testing!!!! I think it's going to be amazing hehehe

Just a few more hours until we get the testers set up and ready to begin!!! Eeeeek! Hehehhee

Have you ever read the book (or have you seen the movie ) of Count of Monte Cristo?

The movie with Jim Cavaziel is one of my favorite movies hehehehe

If you haven't seen should! Hehehehe

Very very wonderful story!!

Yes, yes! So ready to begin testing. 😄

I have watched the movie starring Jim Cavaziel and I loved it. I hope to read the book, sometime. When I do, I'll watch the movie again!

Happy weekend, ma'am. 😊

Hehehhee me too!!! So good!

I heard the book is a difficult read... Hehehe so maybe jt would be a challenge for us! Lolol