Market Friday: admiring the orchids and flowers decorations at a very nice hotel in Bangkok.

in Proof of Brain8 months ago

Time played tricks on me rather more often than I expected. I have been turning my internal clock upside down as I turned into a ‘bay’ at night. I didn’t know how it happened, suddenly I found myself staying wide awake at night and I carried on with my work. So, my routine has been disrupted and I behaved like a bat, sleeping during the day and working at night. I thought it might be the strange new vibes which I felt recently in Bangkok. Things have become very unsettling and out of balance. These subtle changes affected my psyche and mind silently.



I have been trying to ground myself and recharge my inner battery by using different kinds of rocks and crystals. But these could protect me for a few hours only. The new frequencies spreading in the sky were very strong and powerful. It was as if many people had been performing black magic with powerful stuff and secret words during the past month. There were several small earthquakes in the Gulf of Thailand and along areas without any fault lines. This was the first time such incidents did occur; it gave me sense of trepidation. These could be warning signs of things to come in the near future.



So my blogging routine has been adversely affected these last two weeks. My mind was swimming in distress looking for a calming anchor. I tried several tricks to restore my inner balance. It’s rather spasmodically reactive friending on the external stimulations and invisible rays of disturbing flies of energy. I have to remind myself to look at photos of beautiful flowers with healing vibes. Perhaps I could become calmer while doing a post with these photos of colourful flowers.



These photos were taken when I had a reunion with two older friends at a very old but nice hotel in Bangkok. This hotel had changed its name and management a few times during the last ten years. But I was glad that the interior design and decoration themes have remained the same. This hotel has been built more than sixty years ago. It was the popular place for high society people to gathered for lunch and tea. It was also very popular for bug wedding parties.



I used to be a frequent guest at this hotel in the old days when the world was more peaceful and things changed very slowly. Nowadays several old shops have disappeared and replaced by modern restaurants and coffee shops. I still preferred to have tea break with delicious cakes in the spacious lobby of the hotel. The lobby still retained its decoration of flower theme with colourful orchids. It was very uplifting to be greeted by lots of flowers in every corners of the lobby.



The staff were always very polite and friendly. In the past, some staff would greet me as we got to know each other over the years. This hotel used to be my favourite meeting place with friends. My Singaporean friend also liked this hotel a lot and we used to have coffee in the garden. This place brought back memories of the good old days where life was very refined and civilised. I wondered if I would meet my old college friend here again one day.



I took my time in observing the changes inside the hotel and I took many photos to record my memories. There were so many kinds of orchids in the lobby. I saw that lotus flowers were also used for the display. These lotus flowers didn’t last very long as they would go brown and dry in a few days. Orchid blossoms would last at least two to three weeks. There were some pink peonies which looked very attractive and sweet. I would love to grow peonies in my garden one day. But I was afraid that insects would have a party on their leaves.






The old traditional Thai interior decoration of art objects hasn’t been removed. These were antique wood carvings from old temples. In the past, people would be very afraid of taking old wooden pieces of carvings from temples to decoration their houses. They would be very afraid of spirits that lived inside these at carvings and wood work. Western educated people were influenced by foreigners who decorated their houses with Buddha statues and wooden objects. But still very few people would decorate the wall with old wooden carvings from temples, only hotels and commercial buildings would use antique wood carvings for interior design.



I used to have very old potteries from the five thousand years old’ archeological site at ‘Bahn Chieng’. They didn’t give me any troubles but the four old wooden carvings from an old temple actually gave me quite a scary experience. It took me a few days to realise that strange happenings around me at nights were due to the tall spirit who lived inside the carving of Naga (the sacred Water Snake’). Fortunately, my old friend’s uncle was an astrologer and a white witch.




So, he instructed me to perform a ‘Dana’ ceremony to release the spirit and to ask for forgiveness. After the ceremony, my life was boring as before without strange or spooky things around my room. I decided to have these four carvings hung on the wall of my office to protect me against black magic and wandering spirits. The office building was almost two hundred years old and several security guards had bad experiences with local spirits years ago.



I used to hear and see an old man in traditional costume walking past my door. Most stuff wouldn’t dare bring inside the building in the evening. I wasn’t afraid of local guardian spirits; but some Thais just liked to harm their enemies with black magic. So, I just had to be careful and had to take some precautions. During my previous visit to the old building, I could feel some sad vibes there as the building had become abandoned and preserved as a listed building.



I had not encountered any old spirits at the hotel though some old staff did feel something invisible inside the hotel. Old hotel did have big spirit houses in front of the hotel so that the local spirits would have their own spaces. They could stay in peace without having to put up with strangers and noises inside the hotels. Hotel staff would offer fresh water and trays of food in the morning to keep the local guardians appeased and happy. They believed that happy guardian spirits would attract more customers and businesses.



The land on which the hotel was built used to belong to some old royalties of the past reigns. So, people would sometimes see small children dressed in old costumes running around the ground. In some old wooden Thai house, I had seen beautiful lady on green costume and gold jewelry sitting on the veranda. I found out later that the driver also saw the mysterious green lady.



In our culture, people who still live in the countryside do still have psychic ability. They believe in local spirits, guardians, tree spirits and river sports. These people still have their inner connection to the land and nature. City dwellers have become too hardened by materialistic progress and surroundings that they lost their natural links to Mother Earth and invisible beings.



I could tell if a modern shopping mall was built on land which used to belong to old temples. I could sense the wandering spirits and hungry ghosts lurking under the high ceiling and corners. I could also see where the main hall in which the Buddha statue used to stand. That was an eye opening experience which was quite unexpected and distressing to me. I had to leave that complex as soon as I could as negative flows of energy were very strong. The mall went bankrupt within three years. I believe that if many people with positive vibes and intention sat meditation together, their combined vibes could help healing the world and placate bad incidents in the future. Most people just don’t know the power of the unconscious and the mind.




Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.

#marketfriday hosted by @dswigle


These decorations are wonderful! Thanks for sharing these photos with us. The place is beautiful too

So glad you like this old classic hotel with lots of orchids. You’ll like the small garden inside the inner court too. It’s like a mini forest.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you @qurator and @brumest for your generous support and encouragement.

Very elegant place and those flowers are so beautiful. Places like this can change our mood. Even seeing your pictures I must admit I feel a bit more positive 😊 Take care and Happy Saturday


Thank you so much for your kind support. I will try to stay calm and positive as long as possible.

Have a nice weekend.

Your welcome and the key is to find inner peace. Not always easy and I admit I keep searching for it, hehe 😁

I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/3)Dear @kaminchan, you just got hugged. on behalf of @coolmidwestguy.

The hotel is stunning, elegant, and so peaceful. I hope your sleeping pattern turns around soon for you. Perhaps you are right in thinking it has better vibes at night than the daytime for you right now. I wish you peace of mind and heart within yourself, stay positive even when you feel surrounded by neferious vibes.

Your kind understanding reminds me of a kind healer I used to know. She was exceptionally psychic and compassionate. It’s difficult to find people who could sense vibes and invisible forces like I could these days. So, I have no one to check things out for me.

Most of the elderly psychic ladies I used to know had retired to having quiet lives. I am trying to get back to my previous normal routine. Things might have been quite chaotic in the sky as major plants have been moving in preparation for an extremely drastic formation in October. I dread the thoughts of something really bad occurring in September- October this year. Some vibes are stressing me out and making me very nervous.

This is a new challenge to my awareness practice and spiritual development. Hopefully, some divine intervention would guide me in the right direction.

Thanks so much for your moral support.