My posts are mostly short and fast. I don't like to go too far when I post here on my blog. And there are several reasons for this.
With my almost daily practice in posting here on the Blockchain since 2016, I have been acquiring more and more experience in building posts that can get the message I want creatively, quickly and effectively.
I remember that at the beginning I made very long posts, with maybe 20, 30, even 40 paragraphs. I thought (as many here still may think wrongly) that long posts in length are quality signals, the so-called: "High Quality Post". (LOL)
But, a quality post does not mean that it is a long post, with several sentences, especially in the world we live in today where people want to have and read creative content quickly, summarized.
Nobody has the time to have 5, 10 minutes reading a post, an article. Dispersion, loss of attention and disinterest are present when we spend a long time reading a post or article on the internet.
For me, when it comes to content, blog posts like here on Hive, "quantity is not quality", "less is more" and the quicker we are to "sell our idea", the faster people will "buy this idea" and "bring more people to read and know about this idea".
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Great post thanks for the tips
I suppose there are two versions of writers and both are fine. There are people who write long posts, but they still have to be careful to be crafty in the narrative so as not to bore the reader. And the other type are those who write short posts. Both have their content consuming audience .... In the world there is everything. !
That's a good point. Why to waste your own time and the time of others. I like when the author get directly to the point, but doesn't share his or her life before that. lol
Nice! :D
Concordo com você! Nem sempre quantidade é qualidade e as vezes aqui precisamos ser mais “curtos”.
Eu tenho certa dificuldade, porque parece que se eu não me estender vou perder algum ponto crucial
Obrigado minha querida! Uma dica legal é vc fazer um rascunho no Word sobre o que seria seu post. Depois leia tudo atentamente e veja se há pontos que vc pode resumir de forma precisa. Depois coloca tudo aqui. No mundo que a gente vive hoje tempo é dinheiro e o pessoal tá muito disperso pra parar 10 minutos lendo um post, é complicado. :( Abraço e bom final de semana pra vc e família!