Be like an eagle....

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The way of an eagle in the air is such an amazing path and is worth emulating. It is not a surprise that an eagle stands out as a king among birds. The eagle gets to very high altitudes in the air, which other birds can really not attempt. The eagle doesn’t release himself to just any air current or heat waves in the air. The eagle has sensory organs to be able to locate ascending warm air currents.

These warm air currents are already billed to ascend unto very high altitudes in the atmosphere. The eagle identifies them and simply plunges himself into them. At that point the eagle doesn’t need to flap his wings which is one reason why many birds can’t really fly high, because it’s tiring flapping wings. The eagle finds his way into these warm ascending air currents and simply spreads his wings and is ready to go effortlessly as high as the ascending air currents go. This is how the eagle soars unto great heights.

What you are able to identify as the hand of God upon your life and his move in and around you, matters a great deal. One primary thing to identify as a child of God is the plan and the will of God for your life. The will of God must be done, all things happen as God has planned. If you are able to locate the “warm ascending air currents” of God’s plans and purposes of your life and you stay aligned; you will become a high flyer in the race of life.

You will attain unto great in life which only God in his infinite mercies can sponsor. It is not because of anything you are doing so well; it’s all because of his plans for your life, which you have identified and like the eagle; you have keyed into it.

God’s purposes cannot be thwarted. Scriptures affirm – “for the lord of hosts hath purposed, and who shall dis-annul it? And his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?” {Isaiah14:27}. God declared in Isaiah 46:11 – “I have purposed it, I will also do it”. God’s purposes are sponsored by God. All you need to do, is to stay aligned and you will become a happening person. With God’s purpose in place, it must happen as he has said. Toeing the way of an eagle is identifying God’s pathway and stay aligned

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The Bible is clear on the matter of the eagle is the bird that can be compared to a believer who is ready to follow the precepts of his maker and live like a king, just like the eagle, smart, intelligent, armed, strong and with a sharp vision.

The depiction of an eagle to give a clear picture to the reader in this piece of work is really amazing.