There is nothing more natural and delicious than… (Esp-Eng)

in Proof of Brainlast year


Hace algún tiempo que no publicaba en esta genial ¨ProofofBrainCommunity¨:  Que alegría poder acompañar a mi amigo @friendlymoose en este grandioso ¨POBphotocontestNewRound¨:  lo que siempre destaco de esta iniciativa, es cada semana varia la consigna y es lo que realmente me agrada, ya que es un desafío buscar y encontrar el tipo de imágenes propuesta para cada semana, en esta oportunidad debemos presentar fotografías de frutas

It's been a while since I posted on this great ¨ProofofBrainCommunity¨:  What a joy to be able to accompany my friend @friendlymoose in this great ¨POBphotocontestNewRound¨:  what I always highlight about this initiative, is that the slogan varies every week and that is what I really like, since it is a challenge to search and find the type of images proposed for every week, this time we must present photographs of fruits

Como primera instancia tenía pensado visitar una tienda que se dedican a la venta de frutas y verduras, pero después pensé que es lo que harían la mayoría de las personas, por esa razón cambie el plan original y visite la reserva natural que está cerca de casa, recordaba que en la última visita había visto unas carretillas de colores que tenían dibujados hermosas hojas y algunos frutos

In the first instance I had planned to visit a store that sells fruits and vegetables, but then I thought that this is what most people would do, for that reason I changed the original plan and visit the natural reserve that is close to home, I remembered that on the last visit I had seen some colored wheelbarrows that had beautiful leaves and some fruits drawn on them

Hice algunas tomas desde lejos, pero al acercarme a las carretillas pude ver que detrás de ellas estaban esperando una enorme cantidad de naranjas por los niños que concurren a diario a tomas las frutas que caen del árbol. Nos comentaba la encargada del predio, que a diario concurren muchos niños a recoger algunas naranjas, y se van muy felicites con los exquisitos frutos. No creo que exista algo más natural y dulces naranjas que aquellas que llegan a ti desde su propio árbol

I took some shots from afar, but when I got closer to the wheelbarrows I could see that behind them they were waiting for a huge amount of oranges for the children who come every day to take the fruits that fall from the tree . The person in charge of the property told us that many children come every day to pick some oranges, and they leave very happy with the delicious fruits. I don't think there is anything more natural and sweet oranges than those that come to you from your own tree

Fue acertada la decisión de cambiar el plan original y visitar esta hermosa reserva, sabía que había algunas plantas frutales allí, pero desconocía que ya tuvieran frutos. Hemos esperado un tiempo por los niños, deseaba hacer algunas tomas mientras recogían las frutas, trataba de retratar sus caritas felices al degustar tan exquisitas frutas, pero tardaban mucho y nos tuvimos que regresar sin estas tomas. Las que pueden ver las hicimos con una ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨

It was the right decision to change the original plan and visit this beautiful reserve, I knew there were some fruit plants there, but I didn't know they already had fruit. We have waited a while for the children, I wanted to take some shots while they were picking the fruits, I tried to portray their happy faces when tasting such exquisite fruits, but they took a long time and we had to return without these shots. The ones you can see were made with a ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


#Posh compartido en mis redes sociales

Oranges.. delicious. They are the best when ripe and from a tree… much better than bought from a store.
Good choice to show this my friend 😊
Have a wonderful day!

hello dear friend @littlebee4 good afternoon
without a doubt it is better to wait for the fruits to ripen on the plant, they will always be more delicious than buying them in a store
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
have a beautiful afternoon

Hello my friend @jlufer 😊👋🏻
It is indeed.
You are welcome, happy to visit your posts. I have more time again now too 😉
Enjoy your weekend!
Thank you so much 🌺

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thank you very much dear friends for the great support you give me daily
I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend

Oranges Citrus are one of the best fruit and my favorite. I prefer getting it directly from the tree than getting it from the stores

I fully agree with you dear friend @olajumoke4 oranges are better when you get them from the plant
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit