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RE: POB TALK 03/07/2021 - #35

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

In 10 years time, I will be in my mid thirties. All things been equal, I dream to be in the region of $500,000, Maybe more God willing.

Expect to be in a very comfortable place financially to enrich my family & friend, provide helps to lot of people, the society at large and of ofcourse advance the Kingdom of the Father.

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You gotta make a lot of posts here to achieve that goal, LOL.
Jokes apart, if you think you can achieve this goal, you will.

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:-) Yeah but wouldn't be depending entirely on POB to achieve that. Cryptos should however play a great part. I believe I will in time

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Ah, you're young, more than me...or less, I can say I've been younger for a long time than you hahahaha. Nice plan, thanks for your reply!!

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:-) my pleasure. Thanks for the question and having me to search deep and set long term goals which intend to work towards to

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