Web3 Freelancer Update #2

in Proof of Brain2 years ago

Dear reader,

It’s been a while since my last freelancer update, so I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on all that’s been going on since then.

Milestone Met

I suppose the most important milestone was successfully setting up my independent seller status, complete with VAT number, expenses, accountant, etc. It’s crazy how many brochures and catalogues end up in your letterbox once you open for business; such a waste of paper!

Shortly after “going live” I began selling paid writing gigs on Fiverr and I’m into 4 digit earnings now. I’m scheduled to become a “Level 1 Seller” in the coming days, so hopefully that stamp of approval will bring in some more buyers. I also set up accounts on Upwork and Legiit but nothing has come from those platforms so far. Fiverr suits me best though; I enjoy the concept of setting up your individual services on their gig marketplace.

Most of my work has been for paid crypto blog posts, although the most interesting task so far was a 3500 word crypto white paper. I’ve worked for 5 customers from 3 different countries and it’s been lots of fun. I did have one minor run-in with a lunatic who expected me to work at $2.50 an hour though. I politely told him where he should go.

Besides the blogs and white papers, I’m also in the process of setting up crypto YouTube scriptwriting and NFT Twitter ghost-writing gigs. I want to have services handy to cover various writing opportunities in this crypto niche. I still can’t believe I get paid to write about this weird and wacky world of web3 lunacy. I love it. That being said, I understand that a freelancer marketplace is not and should not be the end goal for my writing career. I guess I’ll need to set up my own website at some point and do some targeted prospecting (reader, if you know someone who needs a hand with their content, send them my way!).

So with this paid work taking off, my own blog took a backseat for a while, but fear not, dear reader, as I have been gathering plenty of ideas for new articles and my goal, as always, is to write engaging and rewarding content for my followers.

I did manage to get a few crypto deep dives posted over the last few months though. These longer form articles take a lot of time to produce but I learn a lot in the process. These also seem to get a good amount of views and feedback on Publish0x, which I’m grateful for. The great thing is that these longer pieces add nicely to my online portfolio which in turn can be used for bolstering my paid writing gig.

Two Useful Tools

Well as many of you readers are also writers, I recommend this salary guide for copywriters. If you can string a sentence or two together and you value your time, then don’t sell yourself short! Know your worth and be aware that there are always others earning more than you, but that doesn’t mean you need to fight for scraps at the bottom of the cage.

Here’s a link to a free SEO certification course. I took this course a couple of months ago, very useful for online writing.

What About the Crypto Market?

We’re playing the waiting game. Far too many macro factors are in force now, which has diverted attention and capital away from our $hitcoin casino. Personally, I think the market will eventually recover but be aware that once that happens, the landscape could look very different to that of the 2021 bull run. This is why it’s important to keep an eye on new developments in the crypto space. Where are the vulture capitalists placing their bets? Will Aptos or Sui amount to anything? What about Celestia and their modular approach? Will ZK rollups change the game for ever? Now, more than ever, is the time to go deep with your crypto knowledge!

Open Door Policy

I guess that’s it for now amigos, but I leave you with one last call to action: if you need a writer for your crypto project, feel free to get in touch, I’d be glad to help. On the flipside, if you’re a blogger like me and want some help or advice about freelancing, then shoot me a message, my door is always open!

Talk to you soon,


Original content, copyright JaseDMF 2022. First published on Medium.

Cover image by A KoolShooter on Pexels (modified).

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Fiverr is a good place to start. Back in the day, I started at Guru.com. But I quickly found that having my own website did wonders for my business. And learning how to find clients outside of the freelance marketplaces helped too.

Congratulations on your achievements, and good luck with future writing. Let me know when you get your first Hive client. That's a big blast when it happens.

Thanks, as always, for your support Allen. Selling via Fiverr feels like cycling with training wheels. I'm fine with that for the time being as I begin to get a feel for what it is that I'm doing.

Yay! 🤗
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