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RE: POB TALK 08/08/2021 - #71

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Don't waste your time doing unnecessary things
This life is so shorter than wasting your time on things that will not help you.
An average man has 120 years to live, a man will sleep averagely at 8 hours per day out of 120 years a man has to live, that will be over one third of the person lifetime 40 years, out of the 80 years remaining a man will eat watch movie sometimes even two hours movie sometimes even season film a man will play and do other activities out of the 80 years remaining.
Now you can see how limited your time is to fulfill what you are destined for.
start using your time wisely and start using your time to do something meaningful and don't just come to this world in vain.
You can't come to this world twice this is your only chance to fulfill your wish.
Use your time wisely

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We all limited time in life so it is best make better use of our available time by ensuring we remaining productive. Time is a commodity on life that shouldn't be played or joked with. The difference between the rich and the poor is in the effective use of their time.

We indeed have only life so it is better to make it count by doing something meaningfully with our available time. Time waiting or laziness shouldn't be tolerated or incorporated on our lives has it can be very detrimental has time wasted cannot be recovered.

Anytime we find ourselves doing someone that isn't beneficial to our goal or that which only drains our limited time, we should quit. Has time wasted cannot be redeemed. We should be e like the ants, they understand the concept of times and seasons. they know when work and when to rest. We shouldn't sluggish at the things that can make or break us.

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Thank you for your Motivational word time is precious everybody have limited time is in life, because nobody knows the actual time that will we spend on earth.

So that is why we must use our time wisely for a better things in life, because time wait for nobody, time is like money and you know money is meant to be spent likewise to our time we need to make use of it.

if we do not make use of the time, the time Will Make use of us and what did I mean with this is that when you don't use your time you will later regret it and you won't be happy by making the time useless.

We should never joke with time even the Bible said there is time for everything, if the time as pass by you have miss the thing that is attach to the time.

And our elderly people don't say time do not wait for anybody when you wake up in the morning to work and do everything that is necessary to do, so that you can rest at night.

Which means when we are a child or youth we should use our time and our strength to work hard so that when we grow old we will have rest of mind.

Is not that when we grow old without having enough strength with us to work than we say we want to make use of the time, is not possible that means the time is taking use of us.

Or the time you should have use to train your children morally and academically you it to for party or busy around, and the children are not useful for you because no sound education and good moral.

They are engaging in one fight or other bad thing and now when you grow that no time to correct them or strength to work so that you can take care of yourself and correct yourself past.

That is why we must make use of our time at the right time, we should never prospon things till tomorrow, tomorrow might be too late.

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