No worries! I just remind fellow Hivers some basic rules from time to time so that we can continue to support your work here.
I do have some subjects on chemistry in college and I also was a working scholar and was assigned in the chemistry department. I can vividly remember that I dispense chemicals and apparatuses to students! 😁 It was a fun time.
Okay sure. Hope your students didn’t have hands as shaky as mine😅. You should share with us if you still have pictures from back then. Will be fun hearing about someone else’s time in the lab😊
Gosh! I might just share some photos and stories about my days in the lab if I'm able to find my photos!
Great talking to you @zology69! Appreciate the engagement and keep it up!
Can’t wait to see em. My day definitely got a lot better talking to you as well @indayclara😊