How I intend to spend my day

in Proof of Brain3 years ago (edited)

Good morning wonderful people, trust the night was good.

First, let me use this medium to wish all Muslim members on here a happy Eid al-Fitr celebration. May we all partake of the blessing attached to this blessed day.

I'm really not having the best time today due to pains from menstrual cramps, but then I wouldn't want my day get boring for that reason.

I am getting set to visit the salon, to make a beautiful hair style, make my eyelashes and get my fingernails fixed in preparation for today's fun.
Though I do not have a Muslim relative, but I have been invited by a number of Muslim friends to join them in the celebration of today's event, therefore i do not want to disappoint any of them. I am still planning on my schedule on the order of visit.

I think I need to get an appetizer because I'm pretty sure I will be overfed today as many of those that invited me has sent pictures of the ram and cow that will go down for the celebration.

I will be most fulfilled if I'm able to reach out to all that has invited me as they are all special and important persons in my life

I am looking forward to have fun but I pray the weather will be favourable and that I won't come back home disappointed.

Please I implore everyone to stay safe as we go about in the spirit of Eid al-Fitr celebration.


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Nice of you as you make a good plan for your self today, enjoy ur self as we will be expecting you to give us feedback

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Good one and first of all sorry for the cramps,it is normal and within three days I guess you are done with that ,sorry mate.

Also it is good to see how you have planned and schedule your various activities today and u must say you have actually planned them well,from making your hair to celebrating with your Muslim friends,that is very thoughtful of you.

Just as you have wished us all to be Save and extending the same gesture to you too mate,be fine and enjoy your day as you celebrate with our Muslim brother's and sisters

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