It's amazing how little things in a few seconds can completely change your mood and the performance of what you were doing.
A clear example is being this post you are reading right now. When I opened it and got ready to write, the subject was totally different. I was still wandering around the ideas in my head to put together a really cool story for the word of the week contest, but in the meantime they came to talk to me where I'm sitting in front of the computer, with a totally unnecessary subject for this moment, a subject which I didn't like to hear now and when I returned to the computer, all that motivation from the post and the previous subject left me. I even tried to start again, but the motivation, desire and especially creativity disappeared.
So I couldn't just stop writing and end my day either. Even with my mood changed, I took advantage of all this energy that came now in another way and I'm detailing it here for you. And with that, it is interesting for us to also think about various situations that happen to us on a daily basis and how emotional lack of control can make us take decisions that can change the course of the planned situation for the day.
Do you know that story of receiving a happy and wonderful good morning in the morning? Still mostly from people you consider? This can propel you to take different and more positive actions throughout the day. And the lack of good morning or already waking up having a day with demands and fights, can make your day's plans worse.
That's why I now avoid contact with certain people, news, comments on social networks, some "songs" among many other things that can end up changing my mood in a bad way, especially the ones I know I won't like to read, know and end up affecting me with it.
The episode that happened to me now here was very clear, it changed what I was writing, but I didn't stop posting and I decided to use it in my favor to talk about this subject here.
Think about it ;)
O descontrole emocional
É incrível como pequenas coisas em poucos segundos podem mudar completamente seu humor e o rendimento do que você estava fazendo.
Um exemplo claro está sendo esse post que você está lendo agora. Quando eu abri ele e me preparei para escrever, o assunto era outro totalmente. Eu ainda estava vagando as ideias na minha cabeça para montar uma história bem legal para o concurso da palavra da semana, mas nesse meio tempo vieram falar comigo onde eu estou sentado na frente do computador, com um assunto totalmente desnecessário para esse momento, um assunto que me desagradou ouvir agora e quando voltei ao foco para o computador, toda aquela motivação do post e o assunto anterior foram embora. Eu até tentei começar de novo, mas a motivação, vontade e principalmente a criatividade sumiram.
Então eu não podia simplesmente também deixar de escrever e encerrar o meu dia. Mesmo com meu humor alterado, aproveitei toda essa energia que surgiu agora de outra maneira e estou detalhando ela aqui para vocês. E com isso é interessante a gente pensar também em várias situações que acontecem com nós no dia a dia e como o descontrole emocional pode fazer com que a gente tome decisões que podem mudar o rumo da situação planejada do dia.
Sabe aquela história de receber um bom dia alegre e maravilhoso pela manhã? Ainda principalmente de pessoas que você considera? Isso pode lhe impulsionar a tomar atitudes diferentes ao longo do dia e mais positivas. E a falta de receber o bom dia ou já acordar tendo um dia com cobranças e brigas, podem tonar os planos do seu dia de piores desempenhos.
É por isso que eu hoje evito contato com certas pessoas, noticiários, comentários em redes sociais, algumas "músicas" entre muitas outras coisas que podem acabar mudando meu humor de forma ruim, principalmente as que eu sei que eu não vou gostar de ler, saber e acabar me afetando com isso.
O episódio que aconteceu comigo agora aqui foi bem claro, mudou o que eu vinha escrever, mas não deixei de postar e resolvi usar isso ao meu favor para falar a respeito desse assunto aqui.
Pense sobre isso ;)
Yeah, I understand what you are saying and I did think about it and I realized that you have a very good point you are trying to make.
Lack of emotional control can be a devastating and a very regretful action or scenario because you were so pissed off at that moment and you did something drastic and unimaginable just to satisfy your hungry but ravishing mood at that minute.
But emotional control is something that we humans hardly ever have, but I hope with this post people get to think about it and try to instill full control of emotional feelings.
Nice and well thought topic.
Bravo. 👊🏻
Really friend, we always try to control, and it doesn't always work hahaha
but we have to learn this better
Yeah, for real.
Hahaha😆 It's not that easy to control it.
I do also hope that we learn to control it better. 👏🏻
Yes, a good start in the morning can make our day.
Good write up.
Thanks :)
This is a nice thought coming from you @hranhuk
You got me there honestly, I've witnessed this on occasions.
The kind of reception I get in the morning sometimes determines how the rest of my day will look like especially in the office.
If I happen to wake up from the wrong side of the bed or meet someone from such condition then forget about that day, it's going to be more or less uninteresting and sad.
So yes the things we encounter sometimes can determine our mood for the time being.
And that becomes the famous butterfly effect.
This bad mood is transferred to other people and contagious throughout the day.
Exactly, when you're angry and transfer the aggression to someone else you are equally spoiling their day and it goes on and on