I got sick

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


That's why these days I was absent from here, without votes, unable to comment, to answer anyone.

Unfortunately that streak of bad luck that had been going on for the past year continued. I caught something like a virus that knocked me down in the last few days. I'm a little better today, but not 100% yet. Sorry, but I won't be able to create anything, I'll just update my votes around. Thanks!



É por isso que esses dias eu estava ausente daqui, sem votos, sem conseguir comentar, responder ninguém.

Infelizmente aquela maré de azar que vinha desde o ano passado continuou. Peguei algo como uma virose que me derrubou nos últimos dias. Estou um pouco melhor hoje, mas ainda não 100%. Me desculpem, mas não conseguirei criar nada, vou apenas atualizar meus votos por aí. Obrigado!


ah that explain why you seems to be inactive lately.
Thanks God you are already recovering. What kind of virus that you get?
stay safe always, and get well fully soon my friend. Take your time.

Anyway, Happy new year. :)

From what the doctor told me, it's something common to happen in the summer and mainly because I'm in another city, it was something with food

happy new year to you too

Get well soon friend. Take care of your health. Make sure you visit the doctor, don't take it lightly.

Thank you my friend.

I went to the doctor on Sunday.

I had to wait more than 2h. In the end he prescribed me what I had been taking hahaha

But today I'm much better, not 100% yet, but almost

Good to hear this. See you in action soon. Take care Friend. 😊 !PIZZA

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Logo você estará 100%, amigo. Não desanime. São momentos, fases. Ano novo chegou para novas oportunidades. Bora marcar um churrasco quando estiver melhor.

Que você fique bom rápido.. melhoras


Já estou ficando melhor ^^