Challenge POB! Find, win and earn POBs

in Proof of Brain3 years ago


Hello my POB friends!

Today I decided to create a challenge here!

It's an early idea! But if it's the taste and the crowd gets excited, I plan to bring more and more of these!

Without further ado, here we go:

How it works?

Be the first to find the same image on your Google Maps, take a print, comment on the post and earn POB!

It's that simple! Ok!, not so much xD

I'll be giving tips to make it easier! If no one finds it within 24 hours, a new tip will be added to this POST making it easier and easier to get to the desired location. That's it at first! GO!

Image to be Found!


This is the image you need to find on your Google Maps! It is clear. I want a print that proves it's you, so it needs to be a Zoom further back or show the street I cut in this print!

Find and post your screenshot in the comments and win!

Here's the FIRST tip to make it easy!

The possibility of finding this first tip is more difficult, but not impossible!


The prize is: 25 POBS that will be transferred to the winner!

If the repercussion of the challenge is good and there is engagement, I will INCREASE the value of the earnings (consequently I will make the challenges even more challenging xD)

Good Luck and may the BEST POB win!

Olá meus amigos POBs!

Hoje eu resolvi criar um desafio por aqui!

É uma ideia ainda inicial! Mas se for do gosto e a galera empolgar, pretendo trazer mais e mais desses!

Sem mais delongas, vamos lá:

Como Funciona?

Seja o primeiro a encontrar a mesma imagem em seu Google Maps, tire print, comenta no post e ganhe POB!

Simples assim! Ok!, nem tanto xD

Estarei dando dicas para facilitar! Caso ninguém encontre em até 24 horas uma nova dica será adicionada nesse POST tornando cada vez mais fácil a chegar na localização desejada. A princípio é isso! GO!

Imagem a ser Encontrada!


Esse é a imagem que você precisa encontrar no seu Google Maps! É claro. Quero um print que prove que seja você, então é necessário que seja um Zoom mais atrás ou que mostre a rua que eu cortei nesse print!

Encontre e publique seu print nos comentários e vença!

Aqui vai a PRIMEIRA dica para facilitar!

A possibilidade de encontrar nessa primeira dica é mais difícil, mas não impossível!


O prêmio é: 25 POBS líquidos que serão transferido para o vencedor!

Se a repercussão do desafio for legal e tiver engajamento eu irei SUBIR o valor dos ganhos (consequentemente deixarei os desafios ainda mais desafiadores xD)

Boa Sorte e que vença O MELHOR POB!

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Corner of Strada Simion Barnutiu and Strada dealul Cetatii




You really did it! I'll transfer the POBs to you in the morning (this is 0:46), and I'm on my cell right now. I only make transfers from the computer.


Thank you, it was an interesting challenge and wonderful to see on PoB. Hard as I didnt know the city and took me a while to locate a position which I thought was the roof.

Well done and thank you.

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Yes, indeed, incredible. First I was thinking it must be a fixed, static photo uploaded by some Google user (like in old PANORAMIO), but now, when I see it can be just about any crop from the Google's street view.... makes mind-blowing task.
In general, I like this challenge. Maybe I should crop some street view somewhere in a middle of nowhere, and set a 1000 POB prize? Or 10K?
Well, smth like this - somewhere in Oceania:

Find this place first, and 200 POB is yours!
Not an official contest, but anyway...
If you ask a TIP, I can give you, but...every TIP will cut my prize in half!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha yes thats why I edited the image and wrote my handle on it. Took a little while.

I might have a go at yours. Oceania hmmm, looks hard. I might ask a tip a little later just about to cook dinner.

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Tip on this

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After a long search boos,,,am giving this as a trial too

San Luis / Al Instante

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Do you think it looks the same?

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Definitely it think giving us a tip will make it easier ,even though it will lead to you reducing the price, maybe an image map won't be a bad idea boss.

This is getting so interesting and fun to engage,am up for this task

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I appreciate your feedback! You did great!

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Excelente projeto @hranhuk ! Amanhã tentarei encontrar... Agora, estou indo dormir kkk

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Obrigado @aiuna! Porém, já encontraram muito rápido! hahaha

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Booooa, curti esse Challenge, pode ter certeza que sempre darei meu voto aqui.

A imagem do maps facilitou, acho que pra dificultar poderia colocar como primeira dica talvez país, depois cidade, depois bairro, e por ai vai, haha

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Obrigado meu caro!

Isso realmente ajuda e muito!

Pois é, pensei em deixar mais difícil, mas fiquei com medo de o pessoal nem tentar procurar. Por isso deixei uma visão até "fácil". Mas gostei da repercussão então teremos mais!

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BTW, not quite sure if #Leofinance tag is a good idea on such challenges. Just noticed that...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Don't worry @onealfa.leo

I just used this first time like in other tribes just for the purpose of publicizing the first edition for everyone and anyone who feels like participating. The next tags will be turned to here ;)

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@hranhuk! This post has been manually curated by the $PIZZA Token team!

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This is an interesting contest idea. And encourages more engagement. I am sure it can definitely be tweaked further and made better so multiple people can 🏆 some POB. Nice Work 👍

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Yea! Thank you my friend!

I'm enjoying the repercussions. It seems that the staff liked it a lot!

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Wow, really sweet contest! But I'm late to the party. Keep it coming @hranhuk😊

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Nor did I expect it to be in a few minutes hahaha

But we will have more!

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Não sou muito bom nesses tipos de desafios não, mas a ideia do concurso é muito boa.

Já assistiu The Amazing Race? Teu concurso me lembrou essa competição, haha!

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Não me recordo. Mas agora vou precisar assistir hahaha


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Ho ho ho, funny enough, i remembered i was there in May 2009, but my photographic memory refused to tell me what city, until I have seen the google map. And I was like Brasov, yeah.
Cool contest. Upvoted.

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How amazing this is!

I have hit a city that someone here has already visited xD

Ho ho ho, funny enough, i remembered i was there in May 2009, but my photographic memory refused to tell me what city, until I have seen the google map. And I was like Brasov, yeah.
Cool contest. Upvoted.

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Impressive result.
I will take on the challenge for the next opening.
This search of images will develop advanced skills in this area.
Thank you


Yea! Will have new editions xD

Excellent! a new contest in POB...taking note for my weekly posting of community activities.

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I'm happy to hear that you enjoy participating in these types of contests. I hope I can create more and maintain an average of 1 per week of challenges.

Oh no!

Will there be more challenge coming up soon, @hranhuk🥺🥺

I am late

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There is another asset that no one has found yet. Run!