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RE: What happens if we leave our children without discipline?

This is very interesting to see even thou it as been six day's now,but of all am still very pleased to have come across this too, I have to say child or let me say discipline our kids is one of the most important thing we need to know and we also need to understand that training up a child is the best thing we should always strive for ,cause it has a way of helping us a a parent and also improving such child growth ,our
at large right now is very bad when it comes to the level of influence that it gives to a child and I must say the bad side of those influence are much more than thr good one,I was brought up with an adage which says bringing up a child this day is the best thing cause it will help the child to bring peace to the home and that is why I will always go with my tribe adage which says

A child that is not well trained will sell a house that is well built

Which means it is very vital that we understand the importance of making a child get discipline aside this we need to know that as parents too or guidances you need to at least have time for children ,cause most children turn out to be something else when care or home training which I can also terms as discipline is not seen in them,cause most parents tend to act busy and they done have time for their children,which to me is what most children nowadays are actually missing,we also need to understand that is not just about the child but it's also about the parents willingness to make sure that children are well looked on and care for and you don't expect the child who lacks parental care or let me say creative ideas from their parents to actually performs in miracles

We also need to understand that the children are future of tomorrow, which means all that is needed to make sure that they do well interms of representing the family or thier parents well is paramount to them ,to me that is what life should be all children or child should be well trained and that is what life is all about , thier is one biblically word that say train your child so that it can give you rest,which mean a child that is well trained will act well and be of good attitude always,I strongly stand on the motion that we all need to make sure that we checked our children attitude and follow them up always

So I can conclude that discipline is important to maintain the welfare of the family of society and of the new generations.

Definitely.i agreed with you that aside the children of a thing everyone in the society as a whole needs to be discpline.and be of good attitude as this is what will.make the society grow up and be a good place for us all to live,I remember vividly that my dad do say that a bad child will grow up to become a bad adult too,which means it all started fr being a child,it is now very vital and proved that our children should be trained in the way that they should go ,so that they won't have to depart from such way later in the journey.of life and to avoid regret at any stage in life we should always be alert that giving our children a good life and a better training is more vital .

What happens if we leave our children without discipline?

Alot of things will happen and as i have mentioned above like bad things might happen if a child is not well trained and let me say that of the children that becomes of bad people today as in one way or the other lack's proper training and that is why the community today is full of children with bad attitude and character,we should all know that the society today is at risk just because what lack of discipline as caused to us this day's and I must say that discipline start from home and as a parent or guidances they should all do well enough to trained thier wards for us to have a sweet able and sustainable community.

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