Money truly doesn't give one happiness. it can give you joy or even an euphoria for a moment but that happiness is not embedded in having money. some say money answers all thing, and that's why we are stuck in this rat race and chase for wealth, even already made billionaires are not left out in the constant chase for this money which started as a means of legal tender instead of the usual trade by barter.
But i beg to differ a little, in my little experience in life, i have come to realize that money do not give you that desired happiness. if it does then billionaires would be the most happiest on earth but the reverse is the case. we see billionaires multi millionaires die of depression, heart heart as a result of continuous thinking leading to high blood pressure while on the contrary you see an extremely poor man with genuine happiness on daily basis and being grateful to God for the gift of life.
In my own opinion the whole rat race for money is not worth it honestly. some lose their humanity because they want to make this money while others lose their lives in the process which makes no sense to me at all. can we all just hit the reset button and start afresh?
I will sign your reset petition.
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