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RE: POB TALK 09/08/2021 - #72

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Yes I agree with you because they said mistake is met to learn some we start dwell of that word.

Don't won't care of not mistake, they will say nobody is perfect and they will be leaving careless life.

Am sure such person will fail in future.
But we need to learn everyday and improve in our daily life, so we can have a great future.

Never make a mistake and not correcting yourself, the mistake is not met for fun but for you to perfect.

We should stop seen it as normal thing and it is part of us,no. When we fall the best thing is raise up immediately not for us to sit down of the floor because we have fall or we are expecting people to come an carry us up.

Always hold onto your self don't hope on people to point at yourself mistake before correcting yourself.

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