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RE: banned again so here's a memorial

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

only 7 days? amateur!!
Im just released from a 30 day fb jail sentence.
what was my heinous crime?

Forming a kiddie fiddler group?
Forming a jihadi group?
Revealing the truth about the paedophiles, sexual deviants and murders that are the house of windsor?

Nope far worse than that, I inadvertently posted a snap that contained, ( if you enlarge x10 and squint your eyes), a female nipple, and not even an erect one !!!!

Fuck the puppet masters


we should link up on fb. I post a lot about breast feeding now and again and yes they even delete those posts. Sick mofo's.

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Found you
following you

Ok that's stalking not linking up hahaha. I can't find you

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i shall message you!