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RE: I could wait no more: Vaccines, Isolates, Mandates, oh my.... Huge news as far as I am concerned.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Curious...why is natural immunity the best thing? For many other virus based illnesses this is not true at all, for example chicken pox, which has had one of the most impactful vaccination campaigns over the past 20 years, also prevents shingles which is essentially the same as your "long term side effect" fear from the COVID-19 vaccine. What about the potential for long term side effects of the virus? Those have been quite prevalent with people I know who have had the infection.


Chickenpox may be the only exception though people have actually gotten shingles that have been vaccinated as well.

In addition, @cristina-zac is incorrect. A ton of negative side effects have showed up for the COVID vaccines... massive amounts actually. Most of them around blood clotting and that is occurring with all of them not just the Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson ones.

Though the CDC presentations themselves have shown a laundry list of side effects that can occur.

Many of them having permanent impact on your life.

Ultimately it should be your decision and ONLY your decision on whether you take a vaccine but you should be as informed as possible.

Take a look at the VAERS database and you'll see a lot of side effects. Death being the worst but far from the only one.

Take a look at the post I referenced from @rok-sivante in this post. I linked to his post that shows the stats. The vaccines are actually more dangerous than the virus itself.

It should be obvious when you consider some of the places that are having the most problems now are places where they claim ALL the population was vaccinated such as the Seycheles. Yet you and I know they likely didn't get everyone.

There are surges happening all over the place in heavily vaccinated areas.

The data they pull to talk about unvaccinated per the CDC's own announcement is based upon data pulled from January to June. Most of the population was NOT vaccinated at that time and they were using the RT-PCR test which they have indicated they will not use as of December and it is known for giving a ton of false positives.

Recent data seems to be reporting most cases of people sick to a large degree are the vaccinated.

Though as I pointed out unvaccinated children have been getting it from vaccinated parents.

Also prior to vaccination almost no children died from COVID and those that did had other comorbidities. Since vaccination quite a few vaccinated children have died.